Among those who have been in the premiere, the 30 tortured Sakandarras who have participated in the documentary, and also relatives of Hilario Urbizu of Olazti. Hilario was tortured in 1975 and has not yet been able to return to his native town, Mexico, where he was exiled. The experts who, from their knowledge, have also been in Iortia have also helped to analyse the many facets of the practice of torture: The historian Iñaki Egaña, the journalists Martxelo Otamendi and Mikel Reparaz, the lawyer Amaia IZKO and the collaborator of the team of the Basque Institute of Criminology, Jeanbinate Goikotxeta.
Among those who have contributed to the production process of the documentary have been in Altsasu the Euskal Memoria Foundation, the Iratzar Foundation, the Torre Olaso Foundation, the Audiovisual Focal Production, the Editorial Elkar,, mayors and councillors of thirteen municipalities of Sakana, the Navarro Institute of Memory…
On the part of the Government of Navarre, Councillor Ana Ollo, accompanied by the President of the Parliament of Navarre, Unai Hualde, has been in the first ranks and have been representatives of the collective policy EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and Elkarrekin-Tú.
Ainara Gorostiaga, member of the working team of the documentary Manu Gómez and the Network of Torturados de Navarra, thanked the effort and the work done by the participants.
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
Unionismoarekin lerrokatutako alderdi, sindikatu eta gizarte-erakunde gehienek, eta ez bakarrik horrela... [+]
This year marks the 51st anniversary of the United Nations proclamation of International Human Rights Day on 10 December. This date has become important in Euskal Herria and the Human Rights Observatory of Euskal Herria wants to offer some elements of reflection.
Progress on... [+]
In 2006, Baltasar Garzón, then star judge, suffered a kind of revelation and drafted a practice that guaranteed the rights of those detained for terrorism. The same judge saw hundreds of incommunicado detainees pass through his room, many with obvious signs of ill-treatment,... [+]
“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]
“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]
When we talk publicly about torture, we realize how much society embraces the opinion that the “system” itself puts into effect on this issue. It uses a wide range of ministers and advisers, judges and experts, all with the help of the organic media, of course. And it has to... [+]