More than 3,000 people met this Sunday in Alsasua (Sunsundegui) to call for a solution to the future of the bus body that is in competition with creditors. This Sunday the ERTE that the concursal administration established in December and extended until April has expired.
“We want to live and work in the Sakana. Sunsunsundegui needs a quality industrial and employment plan that redistributes wealth in the region,” said Izaskun Zudaire and Asier Beltzak in reading the communiqué after the demonstration organized by the works council. Representatives have stressed that the time is “decisive”, as the future of the company will be decided within a month: “A plan is needed to solve the problems that the company has been dragging on for a long time.”
The workers have defended the viability of Sunsunsundegui, which has "product and market", and have criticised its situation. A number of investors have reportedly been interested, but “a sound proposal is missing”. “There is a need for an agreement with guarantees between the Government of Navarra, Volvo and the County Administration,” the committee explained. Likewise, the workers consider that this crisis "may be an opportunity to reinvent the activity" that is being experienced in the Basque Country. “The passenger transport sector is changing as a result of challenges such as climate change. Sunsunsundegui can be a strategic company for Navarra and Sakana in the coming years,” they stressed.
The chairman of the works council, David Trevejo, highlighted the concern about the lack of “concrete offers” and pointed out that Sunsunsundegui has “great professionals in a strategic sector such as mobility”. Currently, the workforce consists of 351 people, represented by the delegates of the unions UGT, LAB, CCOO and ELA. “We don’t understand closure as an opportunity,” the staff said.
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