Yesterday, 2 September, the political prey Saioa Sánchez gave birth to a child in his house. The man, who has been arrested today in Nantes prison, was transferred to a hospital with a prognosis for childbirth on Tuesday. According to Gedar Langile Kazeta, the mother and daughter are "well" in the correspondence register. However, the child's father refused to see them.
First, because of the measures taken in relation to COVID-19, the father was unable to attend the delivery. Then, when he was in the hospital, he was told that he would have to ask for permission to see the child and his partner Sanchez in Nantes jail. Subsequently, the prison would appear to be responsible for transferring the permit to the police, which would issue a copy.
The father of the newborn then went to Nantes prison, and a couple of hours later the police who were hospitalized were given permission from the prison. However, the police chief said at the time that it was the prefecture that had to grant that permission, and not the prison. The father had to go back to jail to ask the prefecture to file an order. But the answer from the jail was that they told the child's father that he had to go to the prefecture, claiming that they are different administrations.
"When I went to the prefecture they didn't know what I was talking about," said the father, who refused to confess. They gave her an email address to write her there, but after she sent a message, she realized the address was wrong. He had to reorder the address and send another email, but he did not get an answer. After spending the whole morning from one place to another, the father returned to the hospital.
In the afternoon, the police told the Nantes prison that they had applied for prison, but they did not receive any reply. He was told that from now on he would have to go to the police station, but when he called the police station he was "rebuked" because "this is not the right place for these issues," the child's father explained.
The person on the other side of the phone told him that he would have to order a court car to see Sánchez and the newborn. "Because they didn't like my answers, he hung up on the phone."
The father has left the hospital at 18:30 hours, but has decided to return to 19:00 hours to "claim the right to see my daughter although I did not see her." "The dogs appeared and I was told that, since she was born in prison, she could not see her without permission," his father says.
"Finally, one of those responsible for that relay offered me to take some photos with my phone to the girl. I accepted to see the child and so Saioa knew he was going around the hospital, trying to get a visit. You can't call while you're in the hospital," he said.
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