Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Over 300 journalists call on the Basque Government to appoint Basque counsellors and officials

  • A total of 325 journalists from 40 Basque media outlets have asked the Basque Government to appoint counsellors and leaders who speak in Basque. The manifesto, which has been made public, argues, among other things, that journalistic work is key: "It is essential for the journalist to go to the source of the news, to the protagonists and to those responsible. Those responsible have an obligation to inform and point out to the public. And to do so in the two official languages. The journalist has an obligation to ask questions, and political decision-makers have a responsibility to answer them. Also in Basque." The manifesto closes with the following message: "The people are owed the government that is going to speak in Euskera," he added.

27 August 2020 - 12:41

Berria’s director, Martxelo Otamendi, explained the initiative at a press conference. He stressed that the rapid response that can be obtained from journalists of all kinds of media in a short space of time may mean the accumulated need for years, "38 years after the adoption of the Basic Law on the Standardization of the Use of the Basque Country". Among these journalists there are public media, also of popular initiative; of all kinds of media; and also of media that are broadcast mainly in Spanish or French.

Otamendi pointed out that journalists who have not yet been able to sign the manifesto, given that this is a holiday period, can do so (the name and surname should be sent to the following address:

Maite Artola was then responsible for reading the manifesto of the demonstration.


Full manifesto

Manifesto for the Basque Government to speak in Basque

The people who signed this manifesto are Basque journalists from all the media in Euskal Herria, and we wish to state the following in order to correct a deficit of equality:

It is known that the journalists working in Euskera, just because they speak in Euskera and because of the situation in our language, are working in a situation of inequality that has lasted for years. It is the responsibility of all citizens to bring Euskera to full normalization, but public institutions have a primary responsibility in this task.

The job of every communication professional is to provide rigorous, adequate and correct information. And also to the professionals who work in Basque. In this we put all our work, our strength and our commitment: our goal is to transmit top-level information to our readers, listeners and viewers.

We are experiencing historic moments in these months. The work of the media professionals has been more necessary than ever. Our activity is basic and we must be aware of that fundamental importance in dealing with news with truthfulness and effectiveness. In order to carry out this function, it is essential that the journalist come to the source of the news, its protagonists and those responsible. Those responsible have an obligation to inform and point out to the public. And to do so in the two official languages. The journalist has an obligation to ask questions, and political decision-makers have a responsibility to answer them. Also in Basque.

We need information in Basque, among other things, to report on the latest measures of the pandemic, official post-contingency actions and to make the decisions taken known to society. The statements read in Euskera or the forced spokespersons in Euskera of the least responsible representatives are not enough. They are not enough for the media professionals we are talking about in Basque and, above all, they are not enough for the citizens who receive information from the media in Basque.

That is why, 38 years after the Basque Parliament passed the Basic Law for the Normalization of the Use of the Basque Country in 1982, we asked the highest official who must make up the next Basque Government to designate the advisors and responsible to speak in Basque.

Basque professional journalism must have a government that speaks in Basque.

The people are owed the government that is going to speak in Basque.


Mirian Biteri

Estitxu Ugarte Lopez de Arkaute

Anakoz Amenabar

Mikel Buruaga



Jon Ander Ubeda



Aitziber Basauri Gandiaga

Maialen Zuazubiskar Gallastegi

Jone Guenetxea Arrinda



Onintza Irureta Azkune

Mikel Garcia Idiakez

Jon Torner Zabala

Gorka Bereziartua Mitxelena

Stitxu Eizagirre Kerejeta

Urko Apaolaza Ávila

Jenofa Berhokoirigoin Hirigarai

Amaia Lekunberri Ansola

Zigor Olabarria Oleaga

Latvian Biteri

Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena

Axier López



Lander Muñagorri Garmendia

Baker Mikel Lizarralde

Jon Fernández

Jakes Goikoetxea Izagirre

Julen Etxeberria Sabino

Ainhoa Oiartzabal Azketa

Uxue Gutiérrez Lorenzo

Jokin Sagarzazu

Edu Lartzanguren

Iker Tubia Barberia

Ane Eslava Serrano

Ion Orzaiz Premio

Unai Zubeldia Arruabarrena

Urtzi Urkizu

Jon Ordoñez Garmendia

Jone Bastida Alzuru

Amaia Ramirez de Okariz Kortabarria

Gorka Berasategi Otamendi

Iosu Alberdi Atxurra

Mikel Peritua Ansa

Aitor Manterola

Mikel Rodríguez Landa

Jone Arruabarrena

Ainhoa Larretxea Agirre

GARIKOITZ Goikoetxea

Arantxa Iraola

GOTZON Hermosilla

Imanol Magro Eizmendi

Iñigo Astiz

Natalia Salazar Orbe

Maite Asensio Lozano

Arantxa Elizegi Eguor

Patxi Huarte (Zaldieroa)

Julen Aperribai

Jon Olano Urain

Amagoia Mujika Tolaretxipi

Iñaki Etxeleku

Joana Ibargarai

Joanes Etxebarria

Ainize Madariaga

Oihana Teyseyre Koskarat

Enekoitz Telleria Sarriegi

Maddi Ane Txoperena in Irribar

Edurne Begiristain Iturritxa

Ekhi Erremunerdegi Beloki

Martxelo Otamendi Egiguren

Amagoia Gurrutxaga Uranga

Iñaki Petxarroman Gutiérrez

Nagore Rodríguez

Ainara Arratibel Gascon

IGOR Susaeta

Jon Ander de la Hoz

Itziar Ugarte Irizar

Maider Premio Fernández de Agirre

Irati Urdalleta Lete


Radio Ciudad de Bilbao:

Ane Zabala


Bizkaia Irratia:

Izaskun Ellakuriaga

Alfre Elgezabal

Asier Txakartegi

Rosi Guarrotxena

Ainhoa Llona

Mikel Astelarra

Look at Ezkurra

Iñigo Aduriz Mula


Diario Vasco:

Nerea Azurmendi Zabaleta



Bego Zubia Gallastegi

Ana Galarraga in Ayestara

Eider Jauregi

Beñat Lizaso Garcia

Idoia Alberdi Etxaniz


Esan Erran Irratia:

Itziar Perez Argomaniz


Basque Radio:

Itziar Aranguren Sanz

Itxaso Martin Zapirain

Garbiñe Uria Arruti

Maite Alustiza Gorria

Pilar Goia Amonarriz

Mertxe Etxeberria Iparragirre

Iratxe Etxebarria

Ane Zuazubizkar Iñarra

Urtzi Garcia Goieaskoetxea

Olaia Urtiaga Etxeberria

Nagore Telleria Eizagirre

Arantxa Arza Lasa

Look at Altuna

Izaro Insausti Barandiaran

Amaia Portugal Gonzalez

Oihane Perez Ibarguren

Jon Artano Izeta

Joxe Mari Apaolaza

Ramón Santxez Zabaleta

Xabier Murua

José Juan Ugalde Ordoki

Maite Artola Sarobe

Iñaki Guridi Ormazabal

Iñigo Alustiza Gorria

Manu Etxezortu

Gari Udabe Pagola

Jone Larrañaga Rodríguez

Oihane Yustos Alejandro

Gorka Otaegi Uriya

Alba Cabrera Palace

Imanol de la Varga Urzelai

Zuriñe Etxebarria

Arritxu Iribar

Ane Albisu

Xiker Esnal Altuna

Iñaki Esnal Altuna

Arantxa Agirre Etxeberria

Tamara Ferrari Martinez

Lierni Ibargutxi Gisasola

Ainhara Zuazabeitia Alkorta

Oihane Egurtza Indakoetxea

Andoni Urbistondo Aranburu

Lourdes Arrizabalaga Gereñu

Unai Iradi Sarasola

Ester Murelaga Sesma

Mailu Odriozola Odriozola

Jon Aizpurua Barandiaran

Asier Fernández Mindegia

Amaia Eneterreaga Etxegia

Eneritz Aulestia Mutiozabal

Asier Odriozola Gonzalez

Arantxa Irastorza Armendariz

Igotz Alkorta Irastorza

Eneritz Gorrotxategi Zuaitz

Nekane Peñagarikano


Basque Government:

Urko Aristi


Basque Country:

Reyes Illinois Jimenez

Pello Argiñarena Urriza

John Kruz Lakasta Zubero


Basque Country:

José Luis Aizpuru


television of the Basque Country

Oihane Malkorra Tolosa

Dani Martin Indart

Aiert Arieta-araunabeña Asporosa

Oihana Sarasola

Mikel Yarza Agirregomezkorta

Edu Mendibil Garate

Elena Azpeitia Egaña

Garbiñe San Miguel Larrañaga

Andoni Arratibel Premio

Jon Ander Gorospe

Xabier Zaldua Olabeaga

Karmele Hernández

Andoni Basabe

Jon Asla Uria

Xabier Urteaga Barriocanal

Itziar Mena Sandonis

Juanan Argoitia Urkiola

Xabier Euzkitze

Nerea Iriarte Okiñena

Iñigo Lezertua Uranga

Fermín Aramendi Arana

Itsaso Muñoz

Nerea Reparaz

Klaudio Landa

Iban Garate

Joseba Elorza

Yolanda Mendiola

Aritz Legarreta-Etxebarria Eguskiza

Juanan Legorburu

Alfonso Arroio Monasterio

Koldo Aldalur

Anartz Agirre Madariaga

Ilaski Serrano Urkidi

Xabier Andueza

Xabier Usabiaga

Iñigo Aiestaran

Ibon Idigoras

Miren Josu Arrazola Hernández

Araceli Loinaz Eizaguirre


...and period! :

José Luis Gorostegi Aranguren

Ekhi Watch Errasti

Silbia Hernández Arrazola

Ana Aizpurua Rubio

José Luis Gorostegi Aranguren


Gara / Naiz:

Mikel Jauregi Artola

Xole Aramendi

Isidro Esnaola Herrero

Ion Salgado

Nagore Belastegi Martín

Ane Urkiri Ansola

Ramón Sola Ayesa

Iñaki Soto Nolasko

Rubén Pascual

Young radio:

Julen Telleria Lopetegi

Antton Telleria Lopetegi

Ainhoa Vitoria Mondragon

Egoitz Txurruka Gallo

Alexander Padilla López



Gaizka Izagirre Brosa

Jaione Dagdrommer Marques

Ane Urrutikoetxea Bayon


Goiena Communication Group:

Xabi Gorostidi

Eneko Azkarate

Uxue Igarza

Maialen Santos

Maider Arrangi

Jokin Bereziartua

Xabi Urzelai

Imanol Beloki

Look at Arrangi

Itziar Larrañaga

Larraitz Zeberio

Mireia Bikuña

Julen Iriondo

Josu Bilbao

Mirari Altube

Iban Arantzabal


Goierriko Hitza - GoiBerri:

Loinaz Agirre Elkoroberezibar

Arkaitz Apalategi Arin

Andrea Aranburu Goienetxea

Ane Garmendia Agirre

Kerman Garralda Zubimendi

Iñaki Gurrutxaga Cacho

Aimar Maiz Morea

Tere Madinabeitia Agirre

Ariane Vierbucher Iturbe

Asier Zaldua Urretabizkaia



Alfredo Alvaro Igoa


Hala Bedi irratia:

Jon Hidalgo

Naiara Perea Rope

Gixane Moragues Saitua

Aimar Gutierrez Bidar


Telebist Hamaika:

Beñat Zarrabeitia

Iker Elorriaga illera



Unai Brea


Word of Irutxulo:

Inaxio Esnaola Aranzadi

Irati Salsamendi Lozano

Iñaut González de Matauko Rada

Beñat Parra Rodriguez

Nerea Lizarralde Rodriguez

Maite Reizabal Arrangi


To know:

Lorea Agirre Dorronsoro

Xabier Eizagirre

See Rubio Fuente


Lea-Artibai, Mutriku and Busturialdeko Hitza:

Lore Bengoetxea Ibazeta

Asier Alkorta Bengoetxea

Nerea Bedialauneta Alkorta

Eider Mugartegi Urizarbarrena

Larraitz Ibaibarriaga Etxaburu

Olaia Zabalondo Dominguez

Ancín Monasterio Maguregi

Oihana Cabello Elorriaga

Ane Maruri Aransolo


Naiz Irratia:

Sudi Belategi pumar

Oihana Azkue Sarasola

Ainara Rodriguez Zalakain

Iker Gurrutxaga Zubimendi

Oinatz Aizpuru Lopez

Maite Bidara

Eider Olazar Elduaien

ion Telleria Barrena


Gipuzkoa News:

Oihana Prado

Jorge Napal

Naiara Puertas

Arantxa Lopetegi Algorta


Oarso-Bidasoa Hitza:

Rebeka P. Ruiz

Ikerne Zarate de Gartzia

Erik Gartzia Egaña

Imanol Saiz Gomez de Segura

Gerendiain Ruiz de Gauna

Urko Etxebeste Petrirena


Pikara Magazine:

June Fernández


Basque Radio:

Idoia Jauregi Pikabea

Galder Perez

Goizalde Landabaso-Etxeberri

Olatz Arriola-Bengoa Ortega

Joseba Martin Matos

Iñaki Larrañaga Aizpurua

Imanol Manterola Beizama

Mikel Saez Bañares



Luistxo Fernández



Aitor Arotzena Albizu

Nerea Bazterrika Loiarte

Eneritz Iraola Odriozola

Gurutze Pikabea Iribarren


Portal de Tolosaldea:

Imanol Garcia Landa

Naiara Roldan de Aranguiz Jimenez de Aberasturi

Rebeka Calvo Gonzalez

Itzea Urkizu Arsuaga

Jon Miranda Labaien

Irati Saizar Artola

Josu Artutxa Dorronsoro

Leire Carrasco Vaz

Iñigo Terradillos Gaztañaga

Eneritz Maiz Etxarri


Communication Group of the Urola:

Onintza Lete Arrieta

María Maia Manterola

Amaia Urbieta Arruti

Aiora Larrañaga Solaberrieta

Maialen Etxaniz Cantos

Olaia Juaristi Zabala

Julen Imaz Rego

Andoni Elduaien Soraluze

Gorka Eizagirre Goikoetxea

Nerea Uranga Bastarrika



Anartz Bilbao Loiola

Beñat Hach Enbarek Irizar

Amaia Rojo Sierra


For the producers:

Irati Sarasua

Fermin Etxegoien Uribeetxeberria



Asier Perez-Karkamo

Leire Palacios Egiguren

Onintza Enbeita

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