Hundreds of people have concentrated in favour of the right to self-determination in Western Sahara and against the latest decision by the Spanish Government. A joint communiqué has been read in Bilbao between the Sahara Delegation, the Solidarity Movement and the Sahrawi Diaspora. “In the face of the unacceptable transfer to blackmail of Morocco, we express our rejection and demand the final resolution of this conflict that we are making in Euskal Herria,” they said.
Responsibility of Spain
They recall that Western Sahara is a country pending decolonization according to the UN, which has recognized its right to self-determination and independence and that Spain is the “administering power” of the territory. They denounce that the Government of Spain "has abandoned its responsibility": “By supporting the illegal occupation of Western Sahara, the Government of Spain and the parties supporting it give legal coverage to the human rights violations denounced by international organizations and to the plundering of their natural resources.”
Declarations by parties
The mobilisation of Bilbao has been attended by representatives of the Basque Government, the PNV, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin-Podemos, among others. The spokesman for the Basque Government, Bingen Zupiria, said yesterday that the conflict in the Sahara must be resolved along the path set by the UN. Arnaldo Otegi, as a "hypothesis", suggested that the government of Spain may have opted for alignment with Morocco, France, Germany and the United States. Elkarrekin Podemos has denounced the "unilateral action" of the PSOE that governs in Spain and has denounced that change of attitude is a "betrayal".
The girl who appears in the center of photography, which can hardly be considered historical, is writing a list of adjectives: I, you, he, we, you, they. Looking down, I couldn't see what his gaze looked like.
Insensitive to the work of the photographer, you, slowly and... [+]
Leaving behind books, libraries and their benefits in April, Kabiak Sahrawi wishes to recall the dark side of his history, which is of greater importance in defending the identity and survival of peoples. We are talking about the destruction of the age-old and usual libraries... [+]
Sahara, herri bat erresistentzian liburua argitaratu du Kristina Berasainek. Urte luzez jarraitu du Mendebaldeko Saharako gatazka, 2005ean BERRIA egunkariko kazetari gisa lurralde okupatuetara lehen aldiz bidaia egin zuenetik.
The Spanish Foreign Minister denies that Spain is the administering power of the Western Sahara. But yes.
For years, Spain said that it was neutral on the Sahara issue, albeit a lie: it was very partial. For Morocco. The Palestinian National Power has a diplomatic mission in... [+]
Marokok 2020an ia hiru hamarkadatako su etena hautsi zuenetik, gerra berrabiarazi dute Rabatek eta Mendebaldeko Saharako askapen mugimendu nazionalak. Polisarioa XVI. Kongresua egiten ari da egunotan, eta estrategia berria eztabaidatzen ari dira. Buruzagitzan Brahim Galik... [+]