Sultana and El Ouaara Jaya, Sahrawi activists, have reported that they have been beaten and raped by the Moroccan occupying forces. Both have been forced to live for 174 days at home by the occupying forces.
According to the Equipe Media Group, the early morning of 11 May, Moroccan paramilitaries entered the terrace in the house of the Jaya family. They destroyed everything (furniture, utensils, clothing). The Sultana and Ouaara Jaya sisters who were at home have denounced that they had their mouths covered, that they could hardly breathe, that they had trampled and that they had raped them with sticks and tubes.
The day before, on 10 May, the Moroccan police entered the window and kidnapped three activists who were at their home in Morocco. These are Salek Baber, Khalid Boufraioua and Babozid Lbaihi, the last president of the Saharawi Association of Human Rights Defenders (CODESA). The activists were prepared to help Sultana and his family in the home where they live. The activists have denounced that, after torture, they were taken to the desert, where they were thrown into the graves of the flames.
On 21 November 2020, shortly after a trip through Europe, the Sultan was arrested in a police check in the north-west coast area of Western Sahara. They mistreated him and threatened him with death. Since then, he has been locked in his house. No one can visit her and neither she nor her family can leave the house. She lives with her mother, her sister El Ouaara and a young child.
Equipe Media collects the testimonies of Sultana Jaya:
In the early hours of today, Moroccan paramilitaries broke into the house of the Jaya family, destroying everything. Assaulting the sisters, they shook their mouths, they didn't breathe, they flushed them and raped them with sticks and tubes. @OBS_defenders @GuitarMENA @hrw_de @FrontLineHRD
— Equipe Media (@Equipe_Media) May 12, 2021
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