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The txotx cider to the table, in the new season starting in February

  • By this time of the year, the quarries had to be filled with enthusiasts. Long lines wanting to try the new beverage. A crowd gathered around the tables, in the barrels. However, we are in a pandemic situation that does not repeat this year. Txotx will be a new season, but very different, due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

20 January 2021 - 09:18
Sektoreak Donostiako Kursaalen aurkeztu du sagardotegi denboraldia / Euskal Sagardoa

This year we will be able to go to the steelworks, but we will not be able to go forward and backwards as we win. This year we will be served as a cider from the txotx to the table, we will be able to drink as we sit on transparent bottles or jugs. Through the cards that will have these supports, we will also be able to get information about the apples with which the cider of which barrels is produced, etc. They will also have a QR code in which you can get further explanations. In this way, a new way of consuming cider will be implemented, although it has also been highlighted that it will be a "step to recover the way of consuming in the past". “During the meal, the manager of each table can also get up to fill the jar and with the help of the shaker will fill the cider of the barrel that the group wants to taste or that the shader recommends.”

"A very special and good harvest"

This was put forward this Tuesday at a press conference at Kursaal in Donostia-San Sebastián in which representatives of the sector took part. This exceptional situation has been addressed through cooperation. Representatives of all Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa steelworkers, representatives of the Euskal Sagardoa Designation of Origin, as well as of the Sidreros associations of these three countries, participated in this press conference. They have developed a specific protocol, adapted to the current regulations, so that visits to quarries can be carried out safely “and at the same time offer an attractive offer”.

What comes to us is precisely “the cider of character and beautiful body”. “The year 2020 has been a small year of apples in the Basque Country in number and with a great character. Ciders also show this, nature and body.” For this reason, “the consumer will be able to taste a very special and good harvest in harvest season, a cider of great complexity, with great capacity for evolution”. With just over 2 million kilos of apple, 1.2 million ciders have been produced, under the Euskal Sagardoa Designation of Origin, which brings together 48 cider plants from Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and 248 apples from sidrerías.

Open only for meals

As we said, the sidrerías already had to be in the middle of the txotx season. The pandemic will cause the season to be slightly delayed this year. Until last year, the opening of the quarries took place in mid-January, when the quarries would be reopened. The official start of the season has been announced for the first Friday of February, on the 5th day; two days before, on the 3rd of February, the New Sidra Day is celebrated in Astigarraga. The sidrys will therefore open their doors a little later, some earlier and others, within the exceptional security and prevention measures.

And with the new schedule, until now we had the habit of going to lunch or dinner at the quinceañeras at any time. We spent too much time without looking at the clock. However, in this time of pandemic, as you know, the curfew is set for 22:00. Establishments in the hospitality sector have to close their doors at 20:00 hours. However, the Basque Government has expressed its desire to bring the curfew forward until at least 20:00. It's about to see what's going to happen. It is clear that in this context it will be impossible to go for dinner at the blackboard. Therefore, this unusual season of txotx will only be started by serving meals.

It can be eaten in groups of six members, seated as noted, respecting the established safety distances and without moving the cider of the table. “Sidrerías are spacious spaces that allow us to guarantee safety and enjoy the seismic experience in comfort.”

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