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An act of sabotage pauses Tesla's frightening factory in Germany

  • Sabotage is due to losses of hundreds of millions of euros, according to the company’s director. The factory is still standing. The extreme left group Vulkan Gruppe – Volcanic Group – has taken the action.
Teslak Alemanian eraikitako Gigafactory Berlin fabrika. Berlin inguruko oihanaren erdian eraikitakoa.

05 March 2024 - 22:28
Last updated: 2024-03-06 09:30

The sabotage of the multinational Tesla factory in Germany has been taken over by an extreme left group called Vulkan Gruppe – Volcanic Group – as they pointed out in a letter of 5 March. In the early morning there was a fire in an electric column next to the factory and the company had to stop production, following safety. The factory director warns that sabotage has resulted in losses of hundreds of millions of euros, determining that they do not yet know when they will be able to start production again.

In 2021 it opened its first European factory in Germany, with the aim of producing 500,000 electric cars per year for the continent. Tesla is the first factory built in Europe. From the beginning, the inhabitants of the area organized the opposite movement, and then Vulkan Grupp already assumed an act of sabotage. Since then, the movement is still alive and in the popular consultation held in February it faced about 70% of the population of the region.

Tesla aims to expand the factory that eats 300 hectares of forests with another 170 hectares, and in this context sabotage has been carried out. In addition to sabotage, on February 29, several environmental entrepreneurs began occupying the area.

"The Most Silly Eco-Terrorists on the Planet"

"They are the stupidest eco-terrorists on the planet, they are puppets of those who have no good environmental objectives. (…) Instead of stopping the production of fossil fuel cars, stopping the production of electric cars is a nonsense,” explains Elon Muskiz, head of Tesla. However, the action carried out in the German factory is an action that, from the point of view of Vulkan Grupp, bets on the environment and living beings: "Tesla devours the land, natural resources, humans and the workforce, to produce 6,000 leisure cars every week, 6,000 killing machines. (…) Pollutes groundwater layers and consumes increasingly rare drinking water". All this was built in the centre of the jungle that Berlin needs. In other words, by letter the entrepreneurs wanted to clarify that this is a sabotage for the environment and life.


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