“I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it[...]”
Ezekiel 21:27 – King James Version
“Above all algorithms, below all algorithms”
Xabier Landabidea
I’m uncomfortable, uncomfortable with the almost religious attitude our society has taken towards technology, and uncomfortable with the political and social inability I see to deal with it. We see trends that can create panic, such as social networks without people, and I think it’s a farce that comes from being shattered rather than tragedy. In search of another artificial intelligence we will have to work on the Basque scale and you will find me there, but it is not enough. We will have to forge new alliances of struggles and tools of struggle to defeat the idiots who want to implement technomonotheism. I need fire (like RF Kuang) to extinguish, when we collectively decide, those supposedly irreversible technologies that harm us, not... burn to ashes! And to start new technopolitical paths, we will bet on life with new tools.
In the small intervals that daily life and practice leave me for thought, I have found something, something between Ludd and the Situationist International, a political and aesthetic proposal that, without being catastrophic, pretends to be apocalyptic, Algorithmic Sabotage, and the Manifesto that explains it.
The manifesto is a succession of ten systematically structured proposals, numbered from 0 to 9, each drawing the basic principles, strategic perspectives and aesthetic expressions that make up the critical concept of Algorithmic Sabotage, through the extended and intricate frameworks of digital culture and information technology.
Thus, the Algorithmic Sabotage Research Group (ASRG), a conspiratorial, aesthetic and political group based on practice, proposed the manifesto in a small space that life has allowed me to think and organize, above all algorithms, below all algorithms.
The ASRG group also has more ideas, I am working on them, and I will bring them here, now the first proposal, we will read, improve, talk and act on the Manifesto:
Manifesto on Algorithmic Sabotage
Athens, May 2024
0: Algorithmic sabotage is a techno-disobedience figure for uncritical militancy in technology.
1: Instead of the atavistic impatience with technology, Algorithmic Sabotage can be read as a form of counter-power that arises from the strength of the community that uses it.
2: Algorithmic sabotage crosses the capitalist ideological framework that flourishes in misery, doing the work of subversion in the present, dismantling the contemporary forms of algorithmic domination, demanding spaces for ethical action in the face of generalized abandonment and automaticity.
3: Algorithmic sabotage is a solidarity commitment aimed at the prior action of any system of social, legal or algorithmic classification.
4: Algorithmic Sabotage is part of the structural innovation of a broader movement for social autonomy that challenges the predations of hegemonic technology through brutal direct action, consciously aligned with the ideals of social justice and egalitarianism.
5: Algorithmic Sabotage radically transforms our technopolitical structures, moving away from the structural injustices that are stratified in the algorithmic empire, from the supremacist perspectives and from the necropolitical authoritarian power, highlighting its materiality and consequences, both in terms of carbon emissions and centralization of control.
6: Algorithmic Sabotage rejects algorithmic humiliation that favors power and profit maximization, focusing on activities of mutual support and solidarity.
7: The first step in technopolitics is not technological, but political. Radical, anti-fascist and decolonial feminist approaches pose a political challenge to Algorithmic Sabotage because they place issues of interdependence and collective vigilance in front of the reductionist optimizations of the algorithmic empire.
8: Algorithmic Sabotage fights against algorithmic violence and fascist technosolucionism, focusing on artistic and activist resistances that can express a different mentality, a collective counterintelligence.
9: Algorithmic sabotage is an emancipatory defense of the need for community reduction of harmful technology, fighting abstract segregation above and below the algorithm.
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