The Galician association has called for the shutdown of all public channels of the Spanish State, such as those of La1, La2, Clan, Telesport and 24h. The association has announced that they are going to make a shutdown because their language is constantly undervalued and the association’s president, Marcos Maceira, said that in ‘Master Chef’ they reached a high point.
The La1 television station will not be switched off between 14:00 and 14:20 hours and between 15:55 and 16:15 hours, as it is broadcast in Galician in those minutes. Regarding the broadcast hours of public television, of the 120 hours, 39 minutes are in Galician, which represents 0.5% of the daily total and no minute for children and young people. In the note published by the association, Maceira has offered these data and pointed out the following: “And they also emit a parody about the Galician, paid for with our money. On the television we pay, we want the Galician.”
They want to take advantage of the blackout to remember that there is agreement in Parliament to double TVE sessions to Galician and to use subtitles. They also call for the amendment of the General Audiovisual Law to encourage and protect the contents that have to do with Galician. The platform is collecting signatures.
Maceira has stressed that she has turned to the Spanish public television management on three occasions to make her proposals, but that she has not received any reply.
#EuApagoTVE Appease La1, La2, Clan, Telesport and 24h, as emisións in galego in La1 from 14h20 and from 15h55 to 16h15 as a report xeito.
— Linguistic Standardization (@amesanl) October 11, 2021
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