The decision to resign comes after the management of RTVE banned the broadcast on television of the phrase “fuck you” addressed to pensioners by the Secretary of Communications of the Spanish State, Carmen Martínez de Castro.
On May 5, Mariano Rajoy visited the City Council of Alicante, where several friends showed up to demand decent pensions. In the face of the shouts of “Get out, get out”, Martínez de Castro told the one next to him that the situation “made you want to say it.” The comment was recorded by the journalist Isabel Montaño, who was working on behalf of the Valencian media outlet 12tv.
The editor and news director of RTVE Valencia incorporated the news into the scales of the news, as did several media outlets. But the news was censored from Madrid, in order not to broadcast this.
Torres’s resignation appears to be at the point of manipulating RTVE’s information. Last week the platform Mujeres RTVE launched a campaign to inform about the manipulation of the information that is reported within the corporation, coinciding with the denunciation of the blockade that the Council of Correspondents of TVE, RNE and RTVE is giving in the public media by the PP. The resignation coincides with the appearance in the Congress of Deputies of the Council of Correspondents and the unions with this denunciation.
Mujeres RTVE plataformak, zeinak Espainiako Estatuko komunikabide publikoko emakumezko langileak biltzen dituen, korporazioaren baitan ematen den informazioaren manipulazioa salatzeko kanpaina bat abiatu du sarean #AsíSeManipula traolarekin. Komunikabide... [+]
Every time I've turned on television, I've seen perfume commercials, for the umpteenth time. I'm starting to think that our breath is coming in if we have to perfume ourselves so much. But at the same time, these spots don't represent smell. It's hard for smells (any of them) to... [+]