The UN was unable to enter Myanmar and has therefore benefited from testimonies and images. After interviewing 875 witnesses and viewing videos and images, he accused the Myanmar army of genocide. The organization believes that the army general and five other high-ranking officials should be tried for “genocidal purposes.”
The Aryan Rohingya Liberation Army attacked a police and military compound a year ago. Twelve people were killed. The Rohingya also suffered revenge, with the Buddhist army entering 59 villages, burning 7,000 houses and killing 400 Rohingya.
It was the anniversary of the Rohingya exodus on August 25 and many went out to protest to demand “justice.” In the Rakhine region, 25,000 people have been killed and 700,000 people have fled, most of them to Bangladesh.
Like the animals
In the letter published by El, a displaced Rohingya denounces his and his family’s living conditions: “We become animals if we continue to live like this.” According to the displaced person, things began to deteriorate in 2012, when ten people were killed in the village of Toung Gu and it was detected that the government was behind this murder, as in so many other murders. Another such incident occurred in 2016. 300 people were burned by the Myanmar army. Since then, the writer of the letter has not slept at home because of the fear that he slept on the mountain and in the mud.
A year later, members of the army went to his village and “shot the village for several hours.” They were aware of other situations like this and knew that they had to leave the village. They didn’t want to leave their country and lived in a mosque for a week. The attacks on the Rohingya continued and they decided to leave for Bangladesh after the attack on two villages near the mosque. They live in a refugee camp and have trouble feeding their family, the teacher who wrote the letter said. He wants to return to Myanmar when the situation calms down, believing that if not, his community will lose its unity and religion.
Mugarik Gabeko Medikuak GKEak kaleratutako txosten baten arabera, rohingya etniako 6.700 kide hil zituen gutxienez Myanmarreko armadak, haien aurka egindako erasoaldiaren lehen hilabetean. Horietatik 730 bost urtetik beherako umeak ziren. Myanmarreko Gobernuak 400 biktima baino... [+]
Amnesty International (AI) elkarteak gogor kritikatu du Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmarreko Estatu Kontseilariak –legez presidentea ez izan arren hark du benetako boterea herrialdean– rohingya etnia jasaten ari den erasoei buruz esandakoak. Myanmarreko armadak giza... [+]
Hedabide batzuek 40.000 aipatu dituzten arren, The Guardianen arabera Europako estatuek 60.000 onartu dituzte. Hots, Mediterraneoa zeharkaturik Italia eta Grezian pilatuta dauden milaka iheslari asiar eta afrikarretatik 60.000 kokatuko dituzte hainbat herrialde europarretan,... [+]
Milioika iheslari bizi dira miseriara kondenaturik II. Mundu Gerraz geroztik gertatu den lekualdatze krisirik larrienagatik. Amnesty International erakundeak eman ditu egoeraren xehetasunak txosten beldurgarri batean, zeinetan kritikatzen baitu munduko liderrek gai honetan... [+]