Jury of the 2022 Rikardo Arrangi Journalism Award will award two prizes of the same category: Journalism and Communication Award. The two winners to be announced on 30 November at the Bastero Cultural Centre in Andoain will receive nine thousand euros. The jury accounts for the four finalists in each category.
In relation to the journalism prize, Anorexia of ARGIA journalist Amaia Lekunberri Ansola, another approach. What does he say when he stops eating? monograph Larrun, documentary Askatasuna bizi from ETB, Miel A. The series of reports "Buried in Tonban", published by Elustondo in the newspaper Berria, and the magazine Biba zuek from ETB are the finalists.
As for the communication prize, the finalists are the web enpresabidea.eus, the communication project Aiaraldea, the YouTube activity of Aiora Probatxoa and the communication project created by Aiko Dantza Taldea aikotaldea.eus.
In addition to these two awards, this year they will pay tribute to Elixabete Garmendia and Patxi Baztarrika. The journalist Garmendia, director of Zeruko Argia, is renowned for his career in journalism in Basque. Baztarrika, for his part, was the technical founder of the Rikardo Arrangi Journalism Prize in 1988, as an Basque technician at the Andoain City Hall, and they want to acknowledge his work.
This year’s Rikardo Arrangi Awards have honoured ten communication projects that marked the milestone in Basque journalism. Among them, former director of Anaitasuna magazine, Angel Zelaieta, who was my dad. He received the hand prize from Begoña Arrangi, a very exciting... [+]
Andoaingo Udalak deitzen dituen Rikardo Arregi kazetaritza sariak banatu dituzte larunbatean. Kulturrizketak telebista saioak jaso du sari nagusia eta Kixoteneak erreportaje ilustratuen liburuak aipamen berezia.
Subai Hill has received the Rikardo Arrangi Grand Prix for his interviews in ARGIA. Amagoia Gurrutxaga has been awarded the Special Prize for the biography of the interview in Kristiane Etxaluzi Jakin magazine. And Unai Oiartzun has earned the New Journalist Award, with a... [+]
Sari Nagusia jaso duten lanak ARGIAko elkarrizketak izan dira (Aiurrik grabatutako bideoan Colinaren bertsoak ikusentzungai). Kristiane Etxaluzi Jakinen eginiko elkarrizketa-biografiak jaso du Sari Berezia. Eta Irunero udal aldizkariko erreportaje sortagatik hautatua izan da... [+]
Julen Iriondo Martinez de Zuazok jaso du euskarazko kazetaritzaren XXVII. Rikardo Arregi sari nagusia eta Samara Veltek kazetari gaztearena. Mikel Ibargoien eta Iñigo Astitzen lanek sari berezia izan dute.