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Presentation at Donostia of the 33rd edition of the Rikardo Arrangi Journalism Award

  • They have presented in Donostia-San Sebastian the call for the Rikardo Arrangi Journalism Award. The awards ceremony will be held on 25 November and the writer of Andoain Martin Ugalde will be honoured.
Estibalitz Alkorta Eusko Jaurlaritzako Euskara sustatzeko zuzendaria, Alexander Huitzi Andoaingo Udaleko Euskara zinegotzia eta Patxi Baztarrika Udaleko Euskara teknikaria Rikardo Arregi Kazetaritza Saria aurkezten Donostian.Argazkia: Estibalitz Alkorta Eusko Jaurlaritzako Euskara sustatzeko zuzendaria, Alexander Huitzi Andoaingo Udaleko Euskara zinegotzia eta Patxi Baztarrika Udaleko Euskara teknikaria Rikardo Arregi Kazetaritza Saria aurkezten Donostian.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The City Hall of Andoain and the Basque Government have presented the details of the call at a press conference held in Donostia-San Sebastián.

Following the line started two years ago, this year there will also be two prizes: On the one hand, the “Journalism Prize”, linked to journalistic work and the criteria that define journalism; and on the other, the “Communication Prize”, which will reward significant and innovative steps in the field of communication in Basque to adapt to new forms and formats of communication. Finalists shall also be appointed, with a maximum of four per prize. Nominations for prizes will be open, but nominations for finalists and winners will not require prior nominations.

The awards ceremony will be held on 25 November at the Bastero Cultural Centre in Andoain (Gipuzkoa). This year’s event will have as its motto “Martin Ugalde gogoan”, as 11 November will mark the first centenary of the writer’s birth andoaindarra.Quieren to remember his work, his commitment and his memory, as they did last year with Xabier Lete.

“The normalization of Euskera necessarily requires a journalism and communication in Euskera noble and modern, of quality and adapted to the needs of the moment.” As you said at a press conference, this is the message you want to recall every year and the reason why you continue to organise the Journalism Prize.

In the words of the councilor of the City of Andoain, Alexander Huitzi Alfonso, “to strengthen the Basque Country it is necessary to strengthen and increase the creativity, diffusion and consumption in Basque in journalism and communication, so important in the daily life of the citizens. The Rikardo Arrangi Journalism Award aims to be a grain in favor of that goal.”

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