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Rider calls for international strike on 22 April

  • Distribution company workers will not offer services for a day. With the strike they want to denounce their lack of protection and exploitation at work and demand better working conditions.
Gasteizko Glovoko langilea (Argazkia: Dos Por Dos / Kauldi Iriondo)

On the one hand, the increase in payments for distributions and the provision to workers of the components of protection and cleaning, which are the demands of the riders calling for international unemployment. The communiqué signed by the groups Glovers Unidos Argentina, Grouping of Delivery Workers of Argentina, Glovers Unidos España, Glovers Costa Rica, Glovers elite Guatemala and Distributers Peru calls on riders from all over the world not to serve on April 22.

The signatories of the communiqué state that the employers of the distribution platforms have applied the same method in all countries and have left the riders. In this regard, they have called for measures that are in line with the global economic and health crisis in the face of the current situation: increased payments and the elements of cleanliness and security.

In fact, this profession, characterized by precariousness and exploitation, following the coronavirus crisis, has suffered a worsening of working conditions. An example of this is what El Salto announced a few days ago: Glovo has halved the fee paid to its employees for each distribution, from EUR 2.50 to EUR 1.20; the reduction has been even greater for Glovo workers in Vitoria-Gasteiz, who have seen their rate reduced to a euro.

For his part, Glovo has pointed out that he has compensated this reduction with the inclusion of an economic promotion that rewards long journeys, or with a temporary promotion called Covid-19. However, Glovo's adaptation to the current crisis forces workers to give more pains to earn the same amount of money they used to earn.

The riders want to challenge society with unemployment and raise awareness of their situation, because they have seen that in the crisis situation that has caused the coronavirus to erupt local governments have not intervened in their sector and, moreover, have classified their work as a fundamental activity in different places, forcing them to keep their work without security measures.

The call for unemployment has reminded young Emma Riosendaulv Joncka, 23, who died in an occupational accident on April 10 in Argentina. In view of the working conditions that have such dramatic effects as the one mentioned, and on the way to win their rights, he has called on distributors of all distribution applications and countries to join.

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