According to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), the City of Ribaforada did not act with loyalty and the conduct was unlawful: “Loyalty consists of using personal data in a reasoned way, depending on the expectations of the citizens, and not in a perverse manner or with detrimental effects for the citizens”.
In 2019, Madou Khadim Sow, the mayor of the locality, Jesús Mari Rodríguez (PSN), asked him to go and talk about the census accounts. However, the Spanish police, who were in an irregular administrative situation and was deported to Senegal within 48 hours, awaited him there.
The Senegalese community of the Ribera showed its anger at the time and requested explanations from the mayor, who told him what happened. The mayor said he had done no more than comply with the law. He who was mayor of the time is currently Director General of the Local Administration of the Government of Navarra. Mikel Garcia Idiakez, for his part, developed the details of the day in ARGIA.
In a note published today, the Senegalese Collective of the Ribera, Doctors of the World of Navarra, Papers and Rights for All and SOS Racism Navarra asked the City Council of Ribaforada and the Government of Navarra what they will do to recover the rights violated by Khadimi. “How are you going to repair the damage? What mechanisms will be put in place to ensure that such events do not happen again?”
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