Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Repsol earns over EUR 2.5 billion, twice as much as the previous year

  • In the midst of the energy crisis, Repsol has earned EUR 2.539 million in the first half of the year. Last year, in the same period, it won EUR 1.235 million, less than half of what it won this year. The increase in the price of hydrocarbons has led, among other things, to an increase in profits.

28 July 2022 - 13:07
Josu Jon Imaz, deskarbonizazio Hub-aren eraikuntza abiatzen. Argazkia: Petronor.

Arguing for the war between Russia and Ukraine, we are experiencing an increase in the prices of raw materials and hydrocarbons. However, Repsol has gained twice the profits gained in the first half of 2021. In a statement, the company said that with what it won the previous year and this year, “they have compensated part of the 2019 and 2020 exercises.”

Repsol has pointed out that almost half of the profits obtained, EUR 1,206 million, are maintained by the company as a strategic reserve for Spain. He stresses that the results have strengthened his ability to ensure supply and help him maintain it in the same situation created by the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

You are interested in the channel: Repsol
Iberdrola has earned a profit of EUR 5,472 million until September of this year, which is a new revenue record in 2024, 14% more than last year. Repsol had in his pocket EUR 1.626 million for the month of July, and the EUR 3.168 million he won in 2023 seem to outnumber this... [+]

2024-04-12 | ARGIA
The ten companies that emit more carbon dioxide in the Spanish state are Repsol, Iberdrola and ArcelorMittal
In 2023, carbon dioxide emissions in the Spanish State decreased by 5.3%. Of the ten largest companies, only one has increased, the airline Iberia, with an increase of 10.7%. The first in the pollutant list is Repsol.

Repsol, demons here and there
From the brilliant white talaimendi of Davos speaks the voice of the sheriff of Repsol, so we all understand: “We have to broaden our mind.” I mean, we have to broaden the mindset, we can't think we can live without fossil fuels. What do you think of zozomikotes?

Repsol, demons here and there
From the brilliant white talaimendi of Davos speaks the voice of the sheriff of Repsol, so we all understand: “We have to broaden our mind.” I mean, we have to broaden the mindset, we can't think we can live without fossil fuels. What do you think of zozomikotes?

Espoliazio frankista
Ibex35 eta euskal oligarkiaren zimenduak

Frankismoa ez zela 1975ean amaitu diktadoreak ohean azken hatsa eman zuenean, hori badakigu. Erregimenaren haziek bizirik iraun zuten poliziaren tortura ziegetan, justizia auzitegien sumarioetan eta militarren zein politikarien deklarazio kolpistetan –Aznarrek azkenaldian... [+]

Inflation isn't a weather phenomenon, but it will melt its wage into mortgages.
Inflation in February rose to 6.1% in Hego Euskal Herria and the underlying inflation to 7.7%. To curb price increases, raising interest rates and reducing demand is the norm of ordoliberalism. But to what extent is inflation accurate?

2023-02-20 | Axier Lopez
Weekly photo
They and us

Repsol has earned €4.251 million in 2022, 70% more than the previous year
Josu Jon Imaz, CEO of Repsol, President Antonio Brufau and the board of directors have increased their profits by 2022. Shareholder remuneration will increase by 11% by 2023.

2022-09-03 | ARGIA
Action against a gas station in Repsol to denounce the “increase of life” in Villabona
Anonymous citizens have only sent the video and the statement to ARGIA to explain the action: they have opposed the gas station to denounce that it has become "an unsustainable situation for Basque staff", while "capital, protected by constant excuses, continues to fill its... [+]

Spanish banks and energy multinationals continue to earn millions of euros, according to the data
In the context of the widespread impoverishment of citizenship, a minority continues to be enriched, as demonstrated by economic studies carried out annually by agents such as Oxfam. These weeks we are aware of the economic performance of many companies in the first six months... [+]

2022-07-15 | ARGIA
The Basque Government signs an agreement with the Repsol Foundation to promote the Energy Sustainability Act
Repsol President Antonio Brufau and CAPV President Iñigo Urkullu have signed a partnership agreement on projects that promote the “inclusive energy transition”.

Marc Gavaldà, Repsolek Hil Egiten Du kolektiboko kidea
“Ezinezkoa da petrolio jarduera kutsaduratik bereiztea”

Joan den urtarrilaren 15ean, Repsolek La Pampilla findegian egindako petrolio isuri batek Peruko historiako tragedia ekologikorik handiena eragin zuen. Marc Gavaldá elkarrizketatu du Nacho Ibáñez-ek Directa hedabidean. Gavaldá aditua da... [+]

2022-01-20 | Leire Artola Arin
Repsolen petrolio isuri batek 18.000 kilometro karratuko hondamendi ekologikoa eragin du Perun

Kanpo Harremanetako Ministerioak ohartarazi du azken garaietan Liman izandako hondamenik “okerrena” dela. Besteak beste, babestutako bi naturagune eta 21 hondartza kaltetu ditu; erantzuleak zigortzeko eskatu dute hainbat eragile eta instituziok. Urtarrilaren 15ean... [+]

Josu Jon Imazen (Repsol) ongi etorria Espainiako Gobernu berriari: ez igo zergak

Pedro Sánchezek Espainiako Gobernua hartzearekin, batek baino gehiagok gogorarazi dio duela hilabete eta erdi eskas aurrekontu “alternatiboak” plazaratu zituenean hitz emandakoak. Tartean, enpresei eta bankuei zergak igotzeko neurria dago, modu horretan gastu... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude