The twelve women in the project are Naiara Ortiz, Irene Larrimbe, Laura Durana, Natalia Albeniz, Iratxe Gil, Dorleta Martinez de Aramaiona, Rocio Lopez, Ainara Tavarez, Leire Lejarazu, Irati Baztarrika, Bildotsne Arrialaga and Barrigoiga.
The creative process begins with a question: "How can half of the world's population suffer a stigmatized and invisible process every month over their half-life? ".
According to its creators, monthly payments are often considered "disgusting and embarrassing". Thus, they have wanted to explain their point of view about the menstrual cycle "in a creative, didactic, critical, vindictive and reflexive way", through "an interdisciplinary and plural work process".
The Red Fanzine project has brought together women professionals in the art, illustration, communication, photography, design and education of menstruation.
"They want to make each one their free space to create and share what they want and what they have to do," so the last 250 copies of fanzine are white, "so that whoever wants to contribute, collectively to expand the project."
The festival will take place on Thursday, from 20:00 pm, at the Darkahead bar of Errementari 86 Street. From Friday, the fanzine will be on sale in the Zuloa Image of the Old Town, the Bar Candela de Judimensiondi and the Bar Darkahead.
They have also explained that it will also be possible to read in the libraries of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Furthermore, a digital version of the film will be offered on the fanzine website.
Red Fanzine is the awarded project in the Haziak competition of the Youth Service of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz. However, after the publication of fanzine, they have announced that they want to continue the question: "It's born to be born, to grow and to fly."
Imagine that in some association of this kind, a newly incorporated girl naively proposes to put herself in the bathroom, just like the toilet paper, pads or tampax. And that the member who takes care of toilet paper is totally affected by the question of whether the compress... [+]
Odola dario literaturari artikuluan euskal literaturan hilekoak bete izan duen tokiari erreparatu genion, aztertzeko nola irudikatua izan den. Artikulu haren segida da honakoa, baina fokua pixka bat zabalduta: testuaz gain irudiak ere barne hartzen dituzten lanei erreparatuko... [+]
- You come, aunt? “The swimsuit in the dress asked me and the floats with flowers in their arms.
- Yeah. I have to spend some time in the bathroom and I kindly answer him.
- I'll help you! “We went up the stairs.
I got the dress. Blur. Sit down the toilet. My nephew... [+]