Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

You find a poem translated from Rafael Alberti in a magazine in Vitoria.

  • A self-taught poet has made his discovery on the digital background of the National Library of Spain and has spread it to networks. The poem is called Terror Europa ziar, originally from A Ghost Europe. Data from 1934.

A citizen of Málaga has found a poem translated from Rafael Alberti, published in 1934 by magazine 5 edited in Vitoria. The journal published only four copies, all of them in 1934, from April to June. The magazine used to make known the history of Vitoria and Álava from a literary point of view, including a short story. This link in the digital fund of the National Library of Spain contains the five copies of Revista 5.

In the first issue of this journal we can find the poem of Rafael Alberti translated into Basque or, as mentioned at the end of the poem, the one written by Alberti travelErrapel. The poem, originally A Ghost, is called Europe and translated Sweating as blind Europe. The translation manager was Olha.



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