Mayor izan nahi dut.
Nik goazen poboen
Eusebio Mugerza (1874-1955), Mendaro Txirristaka created these famous verses in the early 20th century. He was on the bretxa market selling verses and getting a good bag.
Today I do not believe that Eusebio was in Bretxa. It's in terrible secularism. Around the world, they have renewed their markets by maintaining their natural character. However, here they succeeded in deteriorating the model market, transforming the aesthetic and patrimonial value into a grid. That is squandering our funds. No one would take the lead.
In the new building that opens at some point, a gap will be left to the market. There will be public facilities for the neighborhood (people in bad faith! ), but it looks like there's a thousand meters left. What has happened to our rulers to take advantage of them? Install public toilets of similar appearance? Do we make an indoor plaza for citizens to meet in adverse weather conditions and be a climate shelter in the next few hours? Library, bicycle parking arranged...? No, of course: transfer for hospitality activities. Being little and pregnant grandmother.
The bretxa is just one of the calamities that occur in our neighborhood. Thirty years ago the City had to recognize that the Old Party was saturated with bars. It was obvious and auditory. From that moment on, what did you do to solve the problem, ignoring the requests of the community of neighbors, to put ordinances of trick to increase the saturation (to allow or boost the proliferation of bars with other licenses, to welcome the invasion of its streets, to extend times, not to do controls...). Take, in all respects, the contrary measures it deems necessary. The fox is the keeper of the corral.
Now in San Sebastian there is saturation of hostels and hotels. And also the tourists. And the Mayor says he wants to meet him. If you go the same way, you'll get to the same place. Saturation. It proposes a bandage for curing this torrid problem of social health, which may be an opportunity to think about whether it would be desirable to put a tourist tax, with hail and peace, of course, by 2050. Soon the members of the government are involved. It's not the time, Eneko, nonsense. Communist!
They tell him it's time to help tourism. It is always a good time to help everyone. But what is helping? Often, to those who go wrong, find out where the right stratum is. Experts around the world are wondering what kind of tourism is best suited to today, in the ecological and social situation we live in. They hold congresses and propose new ways to publish many books. The model here, which follows the line of former Minister of Information and Tourism, Fraga Iribame, is rejected by all. Its influence has been seen on the coasts of Spain and many other places.
Great wealth for the insatiable. Lower environmental impact and lower quality of life for the general population.
Since before, the Hotel Federation is preparing a petition in San Sebastian: they want more terraces: bigger, more schedules, more wide permits to put music and television... Gerrika da! More wood! It is clear who commands.
Three years ago our neighborhood was declared Conjunto Monumental by the Basque Government. The locals have seen no improvement since then. Only the increase in saturated pre-saturation. And also negligence. Small example: every day this summer, all morning and many times in the afternoon, the porticos of the old City Hall have become a bar beverage store. Monument to the disaster in a monumental building. They say no one is ashamed.
We have been forbidden to sunbathe on the ramp of the neighbouring pier, not to be able to bathe without jeopardizing the feet of the Nautical... They remind us, you're ants. Beware of ants! Even with vinegar, we don't go away.
San Sebastian was not the fifth marabla in the world, nor the hundredth, even though many Donoxtians wanted to believe it. But he was a baby boy. Increasingly, in some environments, mainly in our neighborhood, we are touching the crest of vulgarity and cutreza, as in Everest.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
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