The event was organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the TeamLabs learning laboratory. Amelia Barquín and Agurtzane Martínez are the teachers and researchers of Mondragon Unibertsitatea who coordinate the organization.
As you can read on the university website (here the full news), "in the opinion of Mercedes Sánchez Sáinz, queer pedagogies are open to escape formal education in an affective, strange and curious way. In addition, queer pedagogy serves to promote learning spaces that help us to reflect on our place in the world and that allow us to be".
Mercedes Sánchez Sáinz is politically defined as: “Coarse hair and sheep.” He is a PhD in Education and director of the Office of Sexual Diversity and Gender Identity at Complutense University. She's a transfeminist activist who has published the following books: Gara. Deconstructing and transforming the school (La Catarata, 2016) and queer pedagogy. Do we risk doing another education? (La Catarata, 2019)
Places are limited and registration is open until 22 January (here the registration form). Tuition fee is EUR 50.
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