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Qatar World Cup 2022: 6,500 workers have died in the construction of the facilities, but the spectacle is not cut

  • More than 6,500 workers have died in the works of the World Cup to be held in Qatar in 2022, according to the newspaper The Guardian. The Twitter account Deciphering the War picks up the figures for that huge figure.
Qatarren langileak esklabotza egoeran dauzkatela salatu dute nazioarteko eragile ugarik.

24 February 2021 - 09:49

Catar was elected host to the 2022 Tournament in 2010, and The Guardian has collected the "official data" of the competition from then until 2020. India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka have reported that 5,927 workers from those countries have died, and the Embassy of Pakistan in Qatar has recorded 824 workers, according to official sources. If the event was not serious enough, the death toll is likely to rise, as there are no known data on workers from countries such as the Philippines or Kenya. In addition, the last months of 2020 are not accounted for.

With the goal of the 2022 Championship becoming a wonderful event for the world, seven new football stadiums, airports, roads, public transport lines or hotels are being built in Qatar, as well as a new city. In total, 2 million migrants are working, and Catar has not taken any action to protect them, nor has it investigated the high mortality rate, according to the British newspaper The Guardian. In many cases, no autopsy is performed on the corpses.

As for the causes of the deaths, more accidents (falls, blows for some part...) mention heart failure and respiratory failure. It appears that the dominant factor is the summer 2019 heat stroke.

Catar regretted the "tragedy" that has taken place, but stressed that workers have "quality" health services at their disposal. The organizers, led by the FIFA International Football Federation, have stated that they are firmly committed to defending workers’ rights, but that accidents are not so much as compared to other construction projects around the world. Harrapazank!

According to the political expert @AleGeo_ on the web Deciphering the War, Qatar is an economic power – it was not in vain chosen to organize the World Cup – but since 2017 it has had difficulties, after Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt have shut it down (Pello Zubiria also wrote about the four Iraldias in 2017). "In 2021 Qatar started recovering its geopolitical capacity at the right time for the 2022 Championship," according to expert @AleGeo_.

-The right time. For FIFA and the rest always comes "at the right time" that anyone with money can wager on the "show"...

Slaves build the World Cup

This is the title of another article published by Pello Zubiria in ARGIA in 2013. "Ultramodern cities in the desert? The Guardian explains the miracle trick: Employers in the oil kingdom Qatar employ thousands of bondage workers from India, Nepal and other parts of the world in building infrastructure to play the 2022 World Cup," said Zubiria. And he gave a piece of information that was short: "If the situation does not change, more than 4,000 workers will lose their lives at work," he added.

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