Veronika Nikushina, a member of the team, has stated that “Verzilov first lost sight, then the ability to speak and ended up unable to walk.”
At the Football World Cup held in July, the punk musician went to the center of the camp in a football match with one of his colleagues and protested against the brutality of the Russian police and against the violation of human rights. He was therefore incarcerated for fifteen days.
Osakidetzak 6.000 euroko isuna jarri dio Last Tour enpresari, La Polla Records taldeak Gasteizen emandako bi kontzertuen arduradun izanik covid-19ari aurre egiteko "osasun-araudia ez betetzeagatik". Arrazoi horregatik jarri daitekeen isunik handiena agindu du... [+]
Jon Savage (Jonathan Malcolm Sage, Londres, 1953) musika kazetari britainiar ospetsuak Joy Division post-punk taldeari buruzko historia biltzen duen liburua argitaratu berri du, This searing light, the sun and everything else, bandak Closer izenburuko bigarren eta azken lana... [+]
Iosu eta Jualma orain dela 25 urte hil ziren, eta bi musikariei omenaldia egiteko Más alla del cementerio musika jaialdia antolatu dute Santana 27 aretoan.
Hitzaldiak, kontzertuak, erakusketak eta proiekzioak antolatu ditu Orbain Kultur Elkarteak, maiatzaren 20ra bitartean.
Gadafiste brothers opposes Western thoughts that unify. The phrase “International Brigades in Libya!” is not usually heard on the stage…
Three guys on top of the scene and a computer. Through the computer they sent us drums and sanples: tu-ka, tu-tu-tu-ka on an... [+]