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Alliance between Puneus and Iametza to strengthen digitalisation in Basque

  • Under the collaboration agreement, Puneus and Iametza restructure the e-mail service and the URL abbreviator, explaining that in the domain and web server sector "business concentration" is taking place and that there are increasing difficulties in maintaining services and solutions in Basque.  

05 March 2024 - 11:35
Elisabeth Pombo eta Josu Waliño, Iametza eta Puntueus-eko zuzendariak hurrenez hurren.

"The fact that foreign business groups have acquired ownership of local companies has completely limited users' access to Basque products and services," the press release states.

Precisely, as a result of a process of corporate concentration, the company Guebs, which offered the hostel of websites in Basque, has disappeared, transferring its clients to the Spanish company Axarnet. "The change has not only generated many technical problems, but has led to the disappearance of the close treatment and in Basque", complains in Javi Zabala Sarean's blog: "But to Guebs' customers the change has caused us headaches with the worst migration I have seen. Despite the problems, the truth is that many of us choose to pay added value, willing to pay a little more for receiving close treatment and in Basque. That added value has disappeared, because they are far away in Axarnet, the problems are never solved and the Basque... well, there is no trace of the Basque". Guebs managed, among other things, the technical part of

Puneus and Iametza have already collaborated in projects such as the development of the Fedibertso instance

In the words of Josu Waliño, director of Puneus, "the implementation of this alliance with Iametza is a decisive step towards strengthening our Basque digital society. Together we are committed to providing innovative and safe solutions in Basque, promoting our digital identity."

For her part, Elisabeth Pombo, director of Iametza, explained that this alliance reinforces Iametza’s objective of offering the Basque community digital tools in Basque: “Iametza has been creating and promoting projects in Basque in the digital environment for years and in recent years is decidedly committed to technological sovereignty. Among other things, it offers the software of the virtual office Nextcloud to its clients and has dissemination projects aimed at the empowerment of society in this matter, such as the Euskarabildua Day or the canal of sovereignty Hodeia Ez dago”.

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