The Social Point project organised by the TaPuntu Cooperative is already underway. A project that has a positive impact on society will be selected and the winner will receive free TaPunto services for a year. The objective is to help the award-winning person, association or company improve their network presence and communication. TaPunto is a cooperative that helps customers to work digital identity holistically, offering different services: digital marketing, training, graphic design and multimedia.
It is the fourth edition and the deadline for presenting social projects is now open. To participate it is necessary to complete the web form until October 13. Then three finalist projects will be selected on 15 October and, finally, the winner will be announced on 29 October. As in previous editions, a strategy will be developed to boost this project in the network and inter-cooperation with other institutions will be enhanced.
Every two years the PuntuSoziala project is being organised, and the Basherri network, the Bia bat association and the Igeldoko Nekazal Kooperatiba Agricultural Cooperative have been the previous projects received by the TaPuntu services. In this video, Amaia Estanga, from the Agricultural Cooperative of Igeldo, explains how her experience was.
Koop57 irabazi asmorik gabeko kooperatibak eta Udalbiltzak lankidetza hitzarmena sinatu dute, hiru ardatzetan oinarrituta: Euskal Herriko lurralde desorekak arintzea, ekonomia soziala eta tokiko garapena sustatzea eta Euskal Herriaren kohesioan laguntzea.
Otsokop elkarteak saltegi berria ireki du apirilaren 3an Baionan. Bere Super Merkatua sortu nahi zuen, bi hitzetan.
Hondarribiko Agroaldean Udalak utzitako lursailetako bat ustiatzen du 2015az geroztik, baina orain arte barazki ekologikoak kontsumitzeko hautu pertsonala zena, jantoki kolektiboetara eramateko proiektu berritzailea aurrera eramango dute, izan eskola, zahar etxe eta bestelakoei,... [+]