"Profugo", "fled justice", "flees and leaves the Catalan republic thrown"... how many media had no doubt that Carles Puigdemont defined the episode of Belgira's exit in 2017. The Justice, the Police and the Government of Spain used all the means at their disposal, including those of an illegal nature, to locate the Catalan president, condemned for organizing a referendum. The result of this long chain is known to everyone.
Anyone who was king of Spain for 40 years, after being set up by a fascist, has left these days abroad. Trapped by the stench of corruption, investigated by Spanish and Swiss justice, he has moved to an unknown place for the time being. Is it going or escaping? The following news from El País, El Mundo, El Correo, Diario Vasco y El Español "will reveal" where the dividing line between the two formations is located.
The World Carles Puigdemont tries to flee all the news related to Carles Puigdemont: "Fleeing to Belgium: This accelerated Puigdemont's leak" or "the five months of Puigdemont's leak." However, those in El Mundo are now much simpler to learn about the king's last journey of elephant hunting. "Juan Carlos I.ak has informed Felipe VI.ari of his decision to leave Spain." From a similar perspective, this new headline was expanded in 2017: "Puigdemont has communicated to junqueras his decision to leave Catalonia," said the leader of the popular. But it didn't.
In the case of the best-selling newspapers in Euskal Herria, in El Diario Vasco and in El Correo de Vocento, verbs also change depending on the color of the blood. The red blood guys flee:
✉ The Electoral Board excludes Puigdemont, Comin and Ponsatí from the European list of Junts https://t.co/TBYPVFuToQ
— El Correo (@elcorreo) April 29, 2019
The ones with blue blood, on the contrary, just "leave": Juan Carlos I leaves Spain. In addition, the news provides a space to justify that it is not a leak. To this end, they cite a completely impartial opinion by lawyer Juan Carlos I.aren, who has accused Europe of being behind.
On April 6, 2018, the newspaper El País titled “The five months of the fugitive traveler Puigdemont” to the chronology of the travels of the Catalan politician, and throughout its publication it used the terms “fled”, “avoid Spanish justice” and “fled”.
Later, on October 5, 2017, they said: “Puigdemont, Belgian fugitive who has destabilised Catalonia.” The decision of the president of the Generalitat was judged from the outset: “The escape of the former president has shaken his party’s plans and independence and threatened the opening of the diplomatic crisis.”
This Monday, however, El País uses a more temperate language and treatment to refer to what the Bourbon has done: “Juan Carlos I.ak has left Spain to protect the monarchy,” says the headline. “The king emeritus has told Felipe VI.ari that he travels through the country so that news about his wealth abroad does not harm him,” the introduction notes. He has left to "protect" and "do no harm." Another kind action was that of the king who killed his brother.
On May 26, 2020 El Medio Español spoke of a decision by Podemos: “We can vote in favour of Puigdemont’s participation in the reconstruction committee.” And now, because of the vacation environment, to talk about the case of Juan Carlos I.aren, he says: “It has been installed in the Dominican Republic, with the hospitality of the Fanjul family.” He says that the king emeritus has “taken refuge” in the Caribbean island or simply “is in the Dominican Republic”. Juan Carlos, another political refugee, became a millionaire at the expense of sugar from Cuba, under the supervision of the owner of a multinational.
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Mujeres RTVE plataformak, zeinak Espainiako Estatuko komunikabide publikoko emakumezko langileak biltzen dituen, korporazioaren baitan ematen den informazioaren manipulazioa salatzeko kanpaina bat abiatu du sarean #AsíSeManipula traolarekin. Komunikabide... [+]
Every time I've turned on television, I've seen perfume commercials, for the umpteenth time. I'm starting to think that our breath is coming in if we have to perfume ourselves so much. But at the same time, these spots don't represent smell. It's hard for smells (any of them) to... [+]