The former president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Carles Puigdemont, appeared this Tuesday in Brussels with several officials of his party, Junts per Catalunya. In order for Pedro Sánchez to become president of Spain, the support of the independence party JxC will be indispensable, otherwise the elections would surely have to be repeated, because not even the PP president, Alberto Nuñez Feijoo, has enough support to win the investiture.
Taking advantage of this situation, Puigdemont, a Member of the European Parliament, is prepared to conclude a “historic agreement” with the PSOE, but makes it clear that before negotiating the investiture they require a number of conditions: “Recognize the democratic legitimacy of Catalan independence, end the judicial path against the independentists and adopt an amnesty law.” In addition, it calls for the establishment of a mechanism to ensure compliance and mediation.
Remember that the possible agreement is not of any kind, because it would be with the Boards, with a party that “has been continuously rejected and despised by the two major Spanish parties”. Puigdemont adds that “elements of the conflict” are, among others, the “criminalization of 1 October”, the breach of the agreement and the application of Article 155. It calls for amnesty for those condemned in Procés as a condition for negotiating with Sánchez, but it stresses that this is not an objective, but a starting point for a referendum on self-determination.
The PSOE is open to negotiation, but they have made it clear time and again that they will not accept what is amnesty. Acting Vice-President Yolanda Díaz went to Brussels on Monday to talk to Puigdemonte about the investiture of the PSOE, but met as President of the Sumar. Feijoo describes the meeting as a “never seen democratic horror” and asks Sánchez to dismiss Díaz and criticizes that if Sánchez does not, he is also complicit. By law, however, the President-in-Office of the Government of Spain may not appoint or dismiss ministers.
The situation is as unusual as it is insulting. In the Balearic Parliament, an education law is being debated which will be the first in the history of this Community and which must be adopted by 22 February this month. In the language section, it is the first surprise: Jaume... [+]
Kataluniako parlamentuko mahaiak bertan behera utzi du Carles Puigdemont eta preso dauden gainontzeko diputatuek boto delegatua emateko aukera ERCren eta PSCren aldeko botoekin. Erabaki horren ondorioz, independentistek parlamentuko gehiengoa galdu dute. JxCat eta ERCren arteko... [+]
Kataluniako Parlamentuko presidente Roger Torrentek martxoaren12an ezarri du Jordi Sànchez presidentetzarako hautagaiaren inbestidura saioa. Alabaina, saiorako sei egun falta direnean, Kataluniako Gobernuaren osaketa ezbaian dago oraindik.
ERCk “aldebakarreko” erabakia hartu zuen inbestidura saioa atzeratzeko. JxCAT eta CUPi ez zaie gustatu errepublikanoen erabakia eta azken asteetan ezkutuan eraman dituzten eztabaidak azaleratu dira.
Igandean eman du akordioaren berri alderdi antikapitalistak. Biltzarra parlamentuko diputatuez, udal ordezkariez eta herritarrek aukeratutako bestelako kargudunez osatuko litzateke.
Asteartean 15:00etan hasiko Kataluniako presidentea aukeratzeko saioa Parlamentuan. Oraindik ordea, Carles Puigdemontek zer egingo duen ez dago argi, Auzitegi Konstituzionalak asteburuan hartutako erabakiak, zaildu egin baitu bere inbestidura.
Azken egunotan etengabeko mugimenduak egiten ari da Carles Puigdemont Kataluniako presidentetzarako hautagaia. Goizean, bertan behera utzi du botoa delegatzeko eskaera. Zoidok adierazi du mugetako kontrola indartu dutela.