The demonstration was led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Cuca Gamarra, Isabel Díaz Ayuso and PP leaders. They have had close to Santiago Abascal and his friends from Vox, as well as the area of C's, in danger of extinction. From the demands of this demonstration came the Citizens party, which has had to maintain the protest on Sunday to maintain a little more existence and extend the agony.
The Spanish movement Societat Civil Catalana has not been able to fill the Paseo de Gracia, according to the correspondents of the newspaper Naiz. In general, protesters have sent messages against amnesty -"No on my behalf. Neither amnesty, nor self-determination, nor Pedro Sánchez nor the PSOE have been insulted ("Sanchez, babo, traitor, Puigdemont is your friend" or "Vote for you"). The claim that has prevailed "Puigdemont prison!" has been.
The journalists who attended the demonstration said that the meeting was a kind of "Spanish party". The Catalan Civil Society, for example, has placed several positions on the Paseo de Gracia. Special offers have been made: for ten euros, you could buy an umbrella, two bracelets, a flag, two EU flags and a bottle of water – it is not stated in the announcement: With the exception of the European Union flag, the other materials contained the colors and crown of the Spanish flag, as did water bottles.
They have also disseminated messages against Catalan, which is a "copy" of Spanish, or which today, in Catalonia, is "threatened" with the knife to those who speak Spanish. In addition, the network has shown many photographs that had drawn penes to the figure of Yolanda Díaz, leader of the Sumario.
The public media TV3 has followed the mobilisation and had problems with the actors involved. Several people harass the journalist.
In view of this, Catalonia in Comú demands institutional responsibilities and demands "zero tolerance" to messages of hatred.
Missing a month and a half
PSOE candidate Pedro Sánchez has seven weeks to form the new Spanish government. The deadline is 27 November, when the Congress of Deputies has to elect its president. Failing that, the Courts would dissolve and reconvene elections in the Spanish State on 14 January. However, according to El País, the PSOE claims that the government should be formed by 10 November. Because that day will be the congress of the European Socialist Party in Málaga (Andalusia), in which Sánchez is currently the president of the Socialist International.
The Congress of Deputies must elect the new president by 27 November. Otherwise, elections will be held on 14 January.
For the composition of the Government of Spain, it will be necessary to vote for the PSOE of Sumas, the PNV and EH Bildu, the BNG, the ERC and Junts. Everyone has said that there are no "other alternatives", they have denied the possible government of the PP and the Vox, but the PSOE will not put the works easily. The negotiation is in that balance between what is no alternative and giving away votes, and the most complicated negotiations are in Catalonia – EH Bildu said on the same night of the elections that he would support the PSOE, BNG has also said so, and the PNV continues to say that "it is not closed", it maintains a little prominence, but few can question what it is going to do.)
The Catalans put "referendum" and "amnesty" on the table after the elections. The idea of the referendum has long lost its strength and the current negotiations revolve around amnesty. Sumario, in her eagerness to mark the presence, proposes that amnesty should apply to every penalized entrepreneur who has acted in favor of the "independence of Catalonia" since 2013.
PSOE, cold weather
What the PSOE says is that the Summary proposal is from Sumario and they do not share it. However, the members of the Socialist Party are concerned to use the word "amnesty". Think, Sánchez said it last Friday for the first time and has used it more since then. "We are negotiating with the different groups," the president said provisionally. It does not consider an amnesty or anything called an amnesty. But the PSOE will have to do something.
Once Sánchez used the word "amnesty," Feijóo and PP took a few minutes to speak to the press doubling their eyebrows. They consider that the fact that Sanchez has talked about amnesty means that amnesty will certainly take place, and, of course, the PP undertakes to break all the legal avenues to ensure that amnesty is illegal.
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