Public schools are an indispensable instrument for guaranteeing the fundamental rights of all citizens. It is a structure that has been built between all and for all, to promote a more cohesive society and equal opportunities for citizenship. The public school came to overcome the exclusionary school model of those who wanted to differentiate themselves for ideological or socioeconomic reasons. That is why private education is anachronistic, obsolete and the main obstacle to a just and plural society that we want to build.
In this respect, we are concerned about the dialectic which has developed in all areas of Steilas and which, unfortunately, has also recovered in some areas of the Left. Public school often behaves as one more network, we place it as privately owned networks. But our education system is not made up of different networks. Private schools live in a non-public symbiosis: each one defends his or her over the well-being of all, seeking homogeneity rather than promoting diversity, in the competition to attract clients and, on the basis of marketing policies, in competition. Exclusionary, therefore, radically. All of them are nurtured in addition to public money, such as the funding received by the public school.
"We are concerned about the dialectic that has developed in all areas of Steilas and which, unfortunately, has been strengthened in some sectors of the Left. The public school often behaves as one more network, we place it as private owned networks"
We wanted to start from this reflection because it seems to us that this dialectic that we have very interiorized in our people has led the public school to this situation. For example, the confusion generated by COVID19 has again highlighted the action and priorities of the Department of Education. The autonomy of the centers has been the “instrument” used by the PNV to dispose of the responsibilities of the Department of Education and leave them to the workers of the schools. For all centers with different needs and objectives, both public and private, it has used the same recipe, once again leaving the public school orphan. It is an autonomy that aims to eliminate responsibility and deregulate the educational system and that aims to increase segregation and privatize the system. These are the priorities of the PNV and the PSE.
In this context, workers have again given an exemplary response. They have demonstrated the ability, enthusiasm and commitment to work for the right to education and health of children and young people. Only workers know the annual workload, especially in these times. Only they know what they are suffering and what is happening every day in each school due to the irresponsible and regrettable attitude of the PNV. That is why the strike has been carried out. Teachers, Haurreskolak educators, Educational Support Specialists and physiotherapists, kitchen and cleaning staff... are entitled to negotiate their working conditions. Counselor Bildarratz has an immense and difficult job. Cristina Uriarte's heritage is not tender
The priority of the newly constituted government of the PNV and the PSE is to adopt a new education law that mixes public education in this neoliberal dialectic, as if it were from another network. We are all public services, and the administration is going to guarantee the right to education through both public and concerted educational centres. That starting point is the dismantling of the public school, the strongest possible cut, the privatization of education. However, it is expected that the Urkullu Government will also want to impose the usual cuts in the State’s general budgets. Thanks to the collaboration of those of us who believe in another educational model, we are facing LOMCE, Heziberri, the starting point of the Education Act, and the cutbacks. We will continue to strive for negotiation, dialogue and consensus in different areas. That is why those of us who are anti-everything for Ortuzar are going to use our anti-daca for education, health and public care, for a more just society and decent working conditions: collaboration and mobilization among the agents. There we have the antidote of anti-all.
Finally, we want to reach out to Jokin Bildarratz for agreement and consensus. A starting point, unique: that the public school should not be “another”, that special care should be given to public centers, as well as their families and workers. Because, in addition to managing the public school, it is up to the Education Counselor to look after it. Let's start.
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