The Plataforma per la llengua has recently reminded us that the Spanish Government, which is very “progressive”, enthusiastically maintains the imposition of Castilian and that in 2020 it has adopted 61 discriminatory rules that intensify this oppression.
These rules can be found in certificates, titles and cards, education, labelling and instructions, business obligations, relations with the administration, procedure for acquiring nationality, symbology, etc.
The tax rules approved by the Spanish State in 2018 were 139, compared to 93 in 2017.
The Spanish state marginalized Catalans or Basques when the PP was in power, and has continued to deepen exclusion when the PSOE-UP is ruled.
"The Spanish State marginalized Catalans or Basques when pp was in power and has continued to deepen exclusion with PSOE-UP also in power"
The PSE-PSOE (sic) is a member of the PNV Government in the CAV, and its footprint is palpable in the departments it directs. Idoia Mendia (current vicelehendakari) or former advisor Andoni Unzalu, among others, have denounced that half of the employees of the public administrations were required to have some degree of knowledge of the Basque Country. They have no problem, but, with Spanish, if we are required to master Spanish for all workers.
Idoia Mendia herself voiced this shameful video, calling for “an end to the imposition of the Basque country.”
Mendia, Arriola and Hurtado are the current directors of the PSE-PSOE in the Basque Government, and of pp. In the networks, Arriola is the only one that uses Euskera in a significant proportion. Mountains rarely and never Hurtado. The Basques are not among their priorities.
The PSE-PSOE initiative has left its mark on the CAV’s linguistic policy. After the “palliative” measures that have been taken around EGA and Linguistic Profiles, or after the merger of model D, the effort and hand of this party have been evident. They are pursuing a kind of erosion policy of the Basque Country, without giving up attacking with violence from time to time.
The PSN-PSOE acts without disguise in Navarra
They were brutal and insolent against the rights of Euskaldunes Navarros when they were members of UPN, and as partners of both Geroa Bai and UPyD (with the indirect support of EH Bildu), they join UPN to address the issue of language in most cases.
Without much risk of mistakes, we can say that we have a real PSOE in Navarre, leaving behind the reservations of the CAV.
Eleven examples can be given: The case of the Haurreskolas of Pamplona, the PAI model, the school models of the towns of the “mixed” area, the one of rewarding almost any language other than the Basque language in opposition to public positions…
The PSN Education Advisor, Carlos Gimeno Gurpegui, has said that model D is “segregator”; Maite Sporrín, group leader of the PSN in the City Council of Pamplona, proudly asked journalists “to see why veterinarians need the Basque Country”… That is the level.
That is the soul of the PSOE of the twenty-first century, which is not so far from that PSOE that in 1899 recognized "We are in favor of the death of the Basque Country".
Where do nationalist agents look?
These shameless policies of the Spanish parties would not be possible if the Basque parties responded to the measure. Where are they? What's wrong with them?
Why do they not make the defence of Euskera and the Basques stronger?
We are anxious to receive answers.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
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