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PSOE and Sumar close the government agreement with a reduction of 37.5 hours in two years

  • On Monday night PSOE and Sumar have reached agreement on the composition of the Spanish Government. Among others, excise duties will apply to large energy companies and banks.

24 October 2023 - 09:25
Last updated: 13:19
Yolanda Díaz eta Pedro Sánchez artxiboko irudi batean.

40 years ago the Spanish Government set up a 40-hour day and has since not adapted. The PSOE and Sumar have included in the new government’s constitution agreement that they reached yesterday evening the reduction in working time, maintaining the salary: In 2024 it drops to 38.5 hours and in 2025 to 37.5 hours. The target will be to reduce to 35 hours thereafter.

The trade unions, in principle, have welcomed the measure. CEOE employers speak negatively: "It's not the time."

On the other hand, it is agreed to increase the basic minimum wage, measures will be taken to reduce youth unemployment, the Climate Change Act will be tightened, free child-care schools will be extended, paternity permits will be deepened and the public housing stock will be strengthened, among other things. They have also agreed to repeal the Mordaza Law, as the PSOE and Podemos said four years ago, but it was not done.

The agreement between PSOE and Sumar does not mean, however, that the government is completed. They must be supported by nationalist and independence parties in a possible investiture in mid-November.

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