Mikel Bezunartea, spokesperson for the Egüés Valley Municipal Group of the PSN, has asked the Municipal Command Group of UPN to organize more youth activities in Spanish.
According to Bezunartea, from February to April nine activities have been programmed in Basque and one in Spanish. “We don’t think the Basque offer is too big, but the Spanish offer is too small,” he explains.
In the plenary of Thursday of the City of Tafalla, the organic staff will be voted, and the PSN will oppose it, as the EH Bildu government team will request the C1 level of Euskera in a place of administrative assistant.
According to PSN spokesperson Esther Iso, in Tafalla only 8% of the population speaks Basque. “We are in favour of considering Euskera as merit, but against imposing it as a condition.”
In this context, the PSN has published a note that can help clarify whether municipal positions are individual or we are dealing with a party strategy.
Because in that note, the PSN supports the mayor of Orkoien, Alejandro López. As it will be remembered, López, in charge of the local library, said that as Euskaldunes children can go to activities in Basque and Spanish, we do not speak of law but of privilege.
According to the PSN, “its manifestations have been decontextualized to carry out a personal attack interested in it” and “this does not encourage coexistence”.
The Socialist Party has also stressed that “in the sociolinguistic reality of Orkoien the demand for services in Basque is much lower than that of Castilian”.
After supporting the motion of censure against UPN and for EH Bildu in Iruñea, the PSN is not trying to focus on its voters.
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.