The right has achieved worse results in seats and votes than in 2019, but with Vox they have raised one point in the delegation and the far right has tripled the votes. Their presence will be felt in Parliament, and they will probably take the right further to the right; beyond the hustle and bustle, it is the most damaging achievement of the far right. With you Navarre has remained in the seats, but lost 7,000 votes. Again, we see that union does not always give more.
And with that result what? Well, if EH Bildu does what he's saying, it will stop a picture like the last legislature. The PSN, Geroa Bai and Tú Navarra will have the strength to form a government: they have a vote more than the right and the right end. EH Bildu must therefore abstain in the investiture session and ensure budgetary governance. That, yes, this time it would be stronger in those negotiations.
[[elections narrow map 2023 M28 parliament of Navarra]]
The right always wins in Navarra, but in most places it cannot reach an absolute majority. This is the drama of Javier Esparza, head of UPN, who cannot be alone or with PSN, as in his day. It is presented three times and it seems that in the third it will lose the opportunity of the presidency. It doesn't seem like I had a fourth chance. In Geroa Bai there are also reasons to be concerned that the momentum of Uxue Barkos, which is often decisive, has not been sufficient on this occasion, and furthermore Barkos is not always political.
Pamplona hot
The Abertzale left has always had great support in Pamplona, but the great result of Joseba Asirón once again demonstrates the importance of people. The polarisation of UPN-EH Bildu has been greater than ever – 3,000 votes in favour of the right – and the 2015 government bloc has committed itself to right-wing councillors. All of them are undoubtedly indicators of strength, but not of change of governance. As in the last legislature, the mayor of Pamplona will remain in the hands of the PSN, which says he will not vote for EH Bildu. Thus, it will normally govern UPN, provided that other formulas do not prevail.
However, there are further alternatives. For example, PSN and EH Bildu can distribute the legislature, two years may have mayoral office and two others. Or, finally, that EH Bildu give the mayor the PSN. The bases of EH Bildu would not make that toad easy, but EH Bildu has insisted that he will do all he can to keep the right from governing. Mayor, Elma Saiz, in a government heavily conditioned by EH Bildu. Another option if institutional changes are to be promoted is. It would not be the first time, because in 1979 the PSOE (5) remained behind the HB (7), and for the right not to be taken by HB and the PNV (2) made socialist Julián Balduz mayor.
The Abertzale left is the first force in councillors in Navarra, but with the votes of UPN, and it is confirmed that the force of the PSN is above all below Pamplona. Thus, the aggressive attitude of the PSN towards the Basque country is better understood. EH Bildu is going to get several mayors back because it's been the first force. However, UPN does not obtain full majorities as before, and if it rules it is because the PSN chooses it, for example in Barañáin, in the Egüés Valley or in Estella.
[[choices narrow map 2023 municipalities navarra]]
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