Of the 54 representatives in the Commonwealth, Navarre Suma has 23 and EH Bildu has 14. The PSN has only 7, so it has nothing to do. However, as he did in the municipal elections, with this he manages to get his representative to vote and does not have to do anything for Echeverria or for Ayesa. If it were not tabled, the vote of some of the socialist representatives could go to Ayesa, and the PSN wants to avoid it by presenting Sporin. GEROA Bai, with three representatives, will lean towards Ayesa, with three representatives.
In addition, there are eight independent representatives and they will be key. As announced, one of them will support Echeverría, two others will abstain and five others could vote in favour of Ayesa. Thus, the prediction is that Echeverria gets 23 votes and Ayesa, 22. In his view, the representative of UPN would be the new president of the largest community in Navarre.
A small surprise was enough for Navarre Suma not to be able to take out his representative. Without pressure, it would be easier for some of the representatives of the PSN to opt for Ayesa, and the PSN wanted to radically avoid this possibility. Even more considering that the general elections in Spain are a wake-up call and that the right will take advantage of anything – and more if it comes from Navarre – to reach out to the PSOE and Pedro Sánchez.
An important power point
After the Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona, the Commonwealth of the Region of Pamplona is the most important institution in Navarra. In 2018, for example, it managed a budget of EUR 108 million. It is one of the key institutions to carry out the Waste Act passed by the Parliament of Navarre last year. It is planned to build a new plant in Imarcoain, but Navarra Suma does not agree with the project and Echeverría has suggested that the waste from the Region of Pamplona can be transferred to the Culebrete de Tudela.
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11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros
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