The vice-president of the PSN in Navarra, María Txibit, has clearly explained who they want for a coalition government: Geroa Bai and With You Navarra. It has started negotiations with the two groups, but it will also meet with other parties, even though UPN and EH Bildu are not fellow government members.
The orderly meeting between PSN and UPN has clarified positions. “There is no possibility of agreement with UPN,” said Ramon Alzozir of the PSN, and UPN President Javier Esparza, said that the PSN confirmed their intention to go to the investiture with Geroa Bai and With You in Navarra.
PSN, Geroa Bai and With You Nafarroa have no absolute majority, UPN or EH Bildu should abstain to name Txibite. Esparza asks the PSN to take out the independentists of Navarre politics. The representatives of the SNP will meet with EH Bildu, but Alzorriz has stressed that no government agreement or coalition abstention will be discussed.
EH Bildu's candidate for Gipuzkoa Deputy General, Maddalen Iriarte, proposed on 8 June to the PNV, the PSE and Elkarrekin. The president of the Euzkadi Buru Batzar of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, did not consider the proposal “reasonable”, said that the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa would become “parliament”, that “clear and unified criteria” must be established. According to Unai Urruzuno, spokesman for the sovereign coalition, the real problem is that the PNV and the PSE-EE want to leave EH Bildu out of government.
According to Urruzuno, the votes of 28 May demonstrated that “other models of public policy and governance” must be wagered on, and that Gipuzkon Iriarte must lead that change. It proposes testing “different paths”.
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