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The Harro Zoroa Movement Takes Complaint Against Psychiatric Doctors On Weekend in Bilbao

  • “Hego Euskal Herria is the territory of the Spanish state where more electroshock is practiced; in the hospital of Basurto there are six electroshock machines,” explains ARGIA Heiko Elbira Zoroa, of the GAM group. To denounce these and other psychiatric practices, Harro Zoroa will be held for the first time in Euskal Herria on June 3.
"Zoroak oraindik oso minduta daude, batzuek medikazio gogorra hartzen dute eta drogatuta bazaude zaila da ongi jabetzea edo kontzientzia hartzea".
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Zoroa GAM consists of people who have been psychiatrized, founded in 2018. In the words of Heiko Elbira, they are a self-managed insane group with a central complaint: torture is carried out systematically in psychiatric practice, and this is reflected in the recent reports of the United Nations Special Rapporteur (2017 and 2020).

Basque Country is no exception

Elbira tells us that her psychiatric experience is nothing good. “The medication is strongly administered, both mechanical supports, whether children or adults, and electroshocks and threats are the bread of every day.” He adds that "in psychiatry they put the poorest, women, racists, lonely... The rich don't end there."

"The medication is strongly administered, both mechanical supports, whether children or adults, and electroshocks and threats are the bread of every day. In psychiatry, they get the poorest, the rich don't end there."

Elbira confesses that movement is still very much at the base: “The madmen are still very sick, some take a hard medication and if you are drugged it is difficult to get well or become aware, they have strength and obligation in psychiatric practices…”

A recent example: In Galicia, a 19-year-old, even though neither he nor his family wanted it, is subjected to electroshockey, but psychiatrists have turned to the courts and managed to force him against the will of the young man.

Coinciding with the proclamation to be made at different points in the Spanish State, on 3 June the Harro Zoroa, a demonstration in Bilbao, from Plaza Unamuno to Arenal, has been organized from 12:00 hours.

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