In Bizkaia the PNV has lost two, for the benefit of EH Bildu and PP.
[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Bizkaia Spanish Congress]]
PSE-EE, EH Bildu, PNV and PP would receive one in Álava. Summing loses the seat of Podemos.
[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Spanish Álava Congress]]
EH Bildu, PSE-EE and PNV have achieved two in Gipuzkoa. Sumar loses the seat of Podemos for the benefit of PSE-EE.
[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Gipuzkoa Spanish Congress]]
In Navarra the PSN achieved two, and EH Bildu, PP and UPN, one. The PP is ahead of UPN in votes. Sumar's seat has been won by the PSN.
[[Tight graphics elections 2023 U23 Spanish Congress navarra]]
The PSOE has won elections in the State in very few places, including Hego Euskal Herria. By territory, also in Álava and Navarra. But the supplement of Members has come from Navarra and Gipuzkoa, where he has won two seats and, in both, to the detriment of Sumar. The largest... [+]
What was fear? What made us nervous, you and me on either side of the phone? You in Madrid and me here? They were very basic rights. And when everything is over, at least, it hasn't happened at all. We've started the conversation at seven with TVs, but earlier on Twitter, I've been... [+]