The Minister for Development of the Spanish Government will be in Vitoria-Gasteiz next Thursday, 17 January, at 20.00 a.m. There, José Luis Ábalos will meet with the Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Uraran, and representatives of the Basque Government to speak, among other things, about the construction of the Vitoria-Gasteiz train and the High-Speed Train.
The AHT-rik Ez Lautada Platform, taking advantage of the visit, will hold a concentration on the same day at 11:30 in the Government Delegation of Olaguibel Street. In a statement, the organizers explained that they will claim that the underground train and the High-Speed Train is a different subject. “With this excuse, we do not want to destroy the territory militarily.” The motto of the concentration to cover the train will not be that of the destruction of Álava.
A year ago, on February 27, 2018, a similar protest was held in the same place. On that occasion, the Government Delegation in Spain has submitted over 7,000 signatures against the Llanada project for the passage of the TAV.
In this regard, they stressed the need for an accumulation of forces between the different parties, extrapolating the forces of the different parties that are being given in the Llanada to other institutions. However, they made it clear that they are not against the train, but against this project: they see a need for the social train.
In fact, the connection between the Navarro corridor and the ‘Basque Y’ has been opened through the Llanada, and the inhabitants of the Llanada began to organize against it a year ago o.La new line of the TAV would cause ecological and social damage, and claim the social train as an alternative.
This news was posted by Hala Bedi and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
"Gasteiztik egin ezean, ez da egingo", adierazi du PSNren bozeramaile Ramón Alzorrizek. Kontra azaldu dira Geroa Bai, UPN eta PP.
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