We at ARGIA have been working on this for some time, but now is the time to open the door of the house so that citizens who wish to do so can apply. After examination of all candidates, the ARGIA team will decide the winners. We are continuously working in journalism, it is our task, the daily one, but today there is a lot going on in the Basque media and it is not easy to reach everything. We therefore greatly appreciate your proposals.
These are awards for communication and journalism and five sections are distributed: press, radio, audiovisual, internet and social communication campaign. The proposal for prizes should be best argued. Submit proposals to argiasariak@argia.eus Until the end of November.
In recent years, because of the pandemic, we have had to deliver prizes in an abnormal way, but if not, the Argia Awards will return to their regular format next January and we will meet again at the Atxega restaurant in Usurbil. You will find all the information about the awards from previous editions on the Argia Awards channel.
Aurrez aurreko ekitaldian banatuko ditugu berriro ere euskarazko komunikazioaren sariak, Usurbilgo Atxega Jauregian. Urtarrilaren 27an euskal kultura eta jendarteko ehundik gora lagun bilduko dira, eta 16:00etatik aurrera ARGIAko webgunean eskainiko dugu zuzenean sari banaketa.