We at ARGIA have been working on this work for some time, but now is the time to open the door of the house so that the citizens who so wish can submit their candidatures. In recent years we have received dozens of proposals, increasingly and of all kinds. This makes the decision difficult, of course, because we ourselves collect ours throughout the year, but those difficulties are welcomed and welcomed.
After all the candidates have been tested, the ARGIA team will decide the winners. We are constantly working on journalism, it is our task, that of every day, but today much is produced in the Basque media and reaching everything is not easy. We therefore greatly appreciate your proposals.
These are the awards for communication and journalism, and we share five sections: press, radio, audiovisual, internet and social communication campaign. It is appropriate to argue the prize proposal as best as possible. Submit proposals to argiasariak@argia.eus. Until the end of October.
The awards are given at the end of January in recent years, at a meal at the Atxega restaurant in Usurbil, but we will have to see what the evolution of the pandemic is and if that is possible in 2022. We are looking forward to this, as this food offers a unique opportunity to be calm and at ease with friends of Basque culture and media. The information about the awards from previous editions will be found on the Argia Sariak channel.
Izan duten ibilbide aitzindaria omentzeko, Gure Irratia, Irulegiko Irratia eta Xiberoko Botza irratientzat da aurtengo Merezimenduzko Argia Saria. 40 urtetik gora daramate Euskal Herriari eta euskaraz emititzen, ezinbesteko ekarpena eginez.
Streaming plataformetan euskarak duen presentzia urriari aurre egiteko martxan jarritako Pantailak Euskaraz ekimenari eman diogu aurtengo kanpaina onenaren Argia Saria, denbora gutxian herritarren nahiari ahotsa eman eta ardura dutenak mugiaraztea lortu dutelako.
Ulu Mediak eta EITBpodkastek ekoitzitako Artxipelagoa fikzio podcast seriearentzat da aurtengo irrati ataleko Argia Saria. Ulu Mediako kideek jaso dute saria.
Badok.eus atariarentzat da aurtengo Interneteko Argia Saria, Internetek gure bizitzetan duen gero eta presentzia duen garian euskal musikarentzat eta haren zaleentzat ezinbesteko itsasargi izateagatik. Jon Eskisabelek jaso du saria.
Aiaraldea hedabidearentzat da prentsa ataleko aurtengo Argia Saria, Laudioko eta Amurrioko Tubacex-eko langileen greba, erresistentzia eta bizipenak hurretik kontatzeagatik. Bertako kazetariek jaso dute saria.
Azpeitiko Kulturaz Kooperatibaren ekimeneko DAPA ikus-entzunezko narrazioak dira aurtengo ikus-entzunezko Argia Sariaren irabazlea. Kulturaz Kooperatibako kideek jaso dute saria.
Badatoz urteko euskarazko komunikazioko lanik txukunenak saritu asmo dituzten Argia Sariak. Aurten ere sarean emango dugu haien berri, urtarrilaren 31tik otsailaren 5era, egunero 10:00etan webgune honetan bertan.
Yesterday a friend told me: “It’s been September, right away the change of time, and with that we’re entering Christmas.” I don't like those over-fast time jumps. I'm also one of those who think a little bit about the past, but I try to live the spot and the local... [+]