Jesus Esmoris has sent an open letter to the workers of Tubacex. The CEO of the multinational has repeated what the management of the multinational had so far told him. On the one hand, he pointed out that Tubacex’s “social conflict” originates from the “structural crisis” of the oil and gas sector, which has forced them to “reform the size and cost” of many plants in the Tubacex group.
Esmoris stressed that the strike is causing serious economic, commercial and industrial damage and that its prolongation "will have irreparable consequences for the work plants".
However, Esmoris has assured that they have no intention of relocating the company or imposing cuts on the workers, emphasising that the Aiaraldea plants have invested more than EUR 100 million. However, he added that the current "uncontrollable situation" could jeopardize management's commitment to the district's factories.
The CEO has held the Works Committee responsible for what happened, considering that the management made an offer to reduce working conditions, in order to avoid redundancies. “Trade union representatives never made a proposal in this regard,” explained the company’s chief.
Along with the letter, the director has handed over a proposal to the workers. On the one hand, it has proposed increasing compensation to workers affected by redundancies. It also proposes that over the next two years 50 per cent of places not covered by internal promotion should be offered to dismissed staff. However, the company would decide and contract in this case, negotiating “individually” the working conditions.
In addition, Esmoris undertakes to maintain "the basic conditions of the agreement" until 2024. According to the written proposal, the multinational would commit itself to maintaining the current jobs for the next three years. However, the CEO has made it clear that he would not fully comply with the provisions of the convention, as, for example, the salary increase planned for the end of the year would be dismantled.
Esmoris has also refused to readmit redundant workers on the grounds that "it is not possible to increase the costs of workers".
Esmoris has insisted that the proposal has an expiry date. The CEO has asked the workers to return to work before 31 May, calling off the strike. “Otherwise, the proposal cannot be guaranteed.”
On Friday it is 100 days since the Tubacex workers started an indefinite strike at the Tubacex plant. The works council will be mobilised on that day from 12:00 hours from the entrance of the Llodio plant.
The management of Tubacex has sent workers a letter in which another news related to the company is gathered over time. According to several media outlets, Álvaro Videgain will no longer be president of the multinational in the coming days, after 28 years in the position of the multinational. Former Vice-President Volkswagen will replace Francisco García Sanz in office. The forecast is that the change will take place at the end of June, when the shareholders’ meeting is held.
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