When we say that we are beekeepers, the same answer, honey. Do you make honey or have honey left? Fallen into pure stereotype, beekeeper=honey.
Fortunately, it's more than this beekeeping. A cycle from winter stop to fall. Nature influences this cycle, because thanks to the synergy between bee and nature it produces other products: honey from flowers and fresh pollen; plant resin, propolis; wax from the bee's belly; royal jelly and apitoxin from the glands of the young bee's head.
All products have thousands of uses, but beekeeping has always been very traditional and also the use of: to eat honey and to make medicines. But why limit ourselves to these uses? This is our challenge, to maintain tradition but without sleep, to give new uses to products extracted from the hive, especially from the gastronomic point of view. So today we go into the kitchen.
Today's recipe is: Salmon to the propolis with grilled lemon cream and guindilla honey.
For cured salmon:
- Salmon 250 gr
- Salt 300 gr
- Sugar 150 gr
- Espigón
- Propolis extract 15 ml
For lemon cream:
- Lemons 3
For guindilla honey:
- Dry bell pepper 1
- Honey 50 gr
We will start by mixing salt, sugar and ezamiate in a bowl. Then in an open container half of the sugar and salt mixture is spread. Rub the salmon taco with propolis extract and place it on the cheese and sugar mixture. Add the other half of the mixture to cover the salmon well. Keep refrigerated 24 hours.
To make lemon cream: heat the oven to 200ºC and then put the lemons in the oven with silver paper and burn them in 90 minutes. Then whisk with the cooking robot and hang with the filter.
To make the sweet peppers: we take the peppers we let to sleep in the orchard and sleep the pan for a minute and then empty the seeds from the inside. Crush well with knife or kitchen robot. Add the grated pepper to the honey and mix well.
Once all preparations have been made, we suggest that we present the salmon from the salt and sugar mixture, which is cleaned in water and dried well. We'll cut the size into medium-sized squares. We put a couple of squares on the plate and with the kitchen brush we rub the salmon with the sweet peanut. Above we make a point with the lemon cream roasted and end with a piece of pigon.
To try beekeeping!
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