The Argia Awards began to be delivered in 1989 in the following areas: audiovisual, radio, written press, internet and campaign. When the Argia team considers it appropriate, it also awards a worthy prize to the person, project or initiative it has highlighted in the Basque culture. The awards will be delivered on the desk.
Last year’s awards were as follows: Gari Garaialde (press), Map of the victims of Machista violence (Internet), Radio Euskadi, documentary "Gurean" (audiovisual), Altsasuko gurasoak (campaign) and Eusko Ikaskuntza and Euskaltzaindia (meritorium).
Follow the Twitter awards here: Awards #Argia.
To learn more about the winners of previous years, you will find more information on the channel of the Argia Awards and if you want to know more about the history of the Argia Awards, we gave it to us on this link.
Ion Celestino said in ARGIA that folklore was that thing that has crystallized. And he said tradition is the flower that gives a certain moment.
The ARGIA awards have become a “tradition” today. To begin with, and without thinking too much, because they have been... [+]