The World Athletics Championship began in Seville on 20 August 1999. The opening ceremony, conducted by journalist Carlos Herrera, was broadcast on television worldwide. A few days earlier, the Director of the National Police, Juan Cotino, gave a press conference to report on the security measures taken: “The National Police has been working at national and international level for over eight months, in cooperation with Europola and Interpol.” At the inaugural ceremony, however, two activists disguised as mascot Giraldilla surpassed all controls and faced the main stage.
Among those carried out in the context of disobedience and direct action, Giraldillensa is one of the most memorable actions for prisoners, for the enjoyment of thousands of Basque citizens and the anger of many.
Euskal Hirigune Elkargoaren babesarekin, euskaraz erantzundako zientzietako azterketen zuzenketa antolatu dute asteartean Baionako Arteen Hirian, eskatzen diren baldintzak errespetatuz.
"Duela gutxi arte osoki euskaraz egiten zuten gure ikasleek brebeta eta orain zientzietako froga euskaraz egitea debekaturik dugu".
In language policy theory there are areas of use of language which, due to their broad and referential social character, are of strategic importance such as administration, teaching, the world of work and culture. These four functions have been interpreted by many experts as... [+]
2019an BBVAren Akziodunen Batzarra gauzatzen ari zen bitartean egindako protesta baten harira, sei pertsona identifikatu zituen Ertzaintzak, eta mozal legea aplikatuz horiei isuna jartzea proposatu zuen. Sei kideetako bat absolbitu du berriki Gasteizko epaile batek, ekintzari... [+]