On the occasion of the International Day of Political Prisoners, held on 17 April, the signatories of this paper wish to take advantage of the part of the prominence that corresponds to us on this date to launch some lines.
It is a sign of the existence, conflicts and political struggles of political prisoners. The Basque Country has been playing the leading role in revolutionary and anti-fascist struggles for decades, and is witnessing the attack and repression of political militants.
Solidarity with political prisoners has always been present in the neighbourhoods and villages of our territory and today it remains so.
We political prisoners pay with jail our commitment to national and social freedom, and at the heart of the repressive system we have been in prison for years. That is precisely the offer that the capitalist system has for those who face it, for those who rebel, and for those who opt for a coherent struggle instead of giving in and accepting the system that oppresses us.
Our commitment is to continue with the sincere commitment that brought us here, to take advantage of our revolutionary political character to make our best contribution in the liberating struggle.
We therefore believe that our presence in the political and social sphere is necessary, and that is what we want to demand today.
The organization, both internally and externally, increases our strength and the link between the two sides is essential to move forward and achieve our goals as a people and a troubled class.
We are not terrorists or criminals, and that is another message we want to send today. We are political activists and our intention is to act like this. That is how they have to see and respect us.
Our commitment is to continue with the sincere commitment that brought us here, to take advantage of our revolutionary political character to make our best contribution in the liberating struggle.
Finally, we would like to remind these thousands of Palestinian prisoners, women, men and adolescents, who are suffering daily the cruelty of the Zionist State Israel. Encouragement and solidarity!
Prisoners on the street, all amnesty!
*Basque political prisoners:
Garikoitz Etxeberria, J.M. Etxeberria "Goierri", Fernando Jodra, Jon Kepa Preciado, Patxi Ruiz, Mikel Sansebastian
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak iritzia@argia.eus helbide elektronikora
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