The prisoner's body was found in his cell on Saturday, but the jail does not report the incident. Once the news is received, the government confirms EITB's death.
Julen Guaresti of Salhaketa explained to EITB that these were days when the prisoner was not well, and on Saturday he committed suicide. The association states that the prisoner was only in his cell. This would mean that the protocol against suicide has not been applied, as the protocol requires the prisoner not to be alone.
"The Basque prison model fails"
“Prison and reintegration are incompatible, antagonistic,” said EITB Guaresti. “Prison creates and increases the conditions for mental illness,” he said, referring to the situation of the prisoner. Two years ago the Government took over the competence of CAV prisons, and Guaresti believes that there has been no substantial change. This weekend he is the second prisoner to die in Zaballa after the change of skills. In April, a young man named Malek was found dead in his cell. The Government stated that Male was not in the protocol against suicides, although the family already indicated, had already attempted suicide. “The Basque penitentiary model fails because it is still the usual model,” Guaresti said.
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