He speaks and sows nervousness. It shows how the speaker is among his supporters. Among others because he clarifies his thinking.
Joe Bide's multiple mistakes are becoming a mythical background. The world of 2024 just needed it. Of course, their election campaigns.
On this occasion, Biden’s invention is due to the triad of economic immigration and xenophobia: “Why China is so badly economically, why Japan has problems, why Russia, why India, are xenophobic. They don't want immigrants. Immigrants are the ones who make us strong.”
It is not easy to combine so many eccentricities in your short sentence. But it looks like Biden has just dropped out quickly.
In general, I do not believe that anyone has ever proven that xenophobia attracts economic decline. On the contrary, I believe that economic pressure can sow and sow xenophobia is something we have seen a thousand times.
The United States has a long and extensive history in this chapter. Preseski, migrant workers of Asian origin have historically been, along with blacks, the most affected in the United States. Both legally and by direct attack. The most sarcastic thing is that Biden issued his stupidity to the heirs of some of them at the beginning of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. When everyone creates their own propaganda, they happen like this.
Immersed in the details, the GDP of the United States, model and beneficiaries of “openness”, grew by 2.5% last year (predicted), while Biden only exceeded Japan (0.9%). Russia grew by around 3%, China by 5.3% and India by 6.8%.
What will also suffer from economic shocks? Yes, of course. As Bidene’s “welcome” to immigration has some fluctuations on the border with Mexico. And when something like xenophobia is spreading in American society.
However, the only thing that has been rejected is that two allies (Japan and India) have entered the same bag with two enemies (China and Russia). Past and present reality matters a little.
The fable of the naked emperor thus has the remake of the twenty-first century: the naked president, besides not realizing that he is in skins, enthusiastically judges the clothing of others, friends and enemies. And, as I say, there are no children who denounce the fact.
1960ko martxoaren 21ean, Hegoafrikako Poliziak 69 lagun hil zituen apartheidaren kontrako manifestazio baketsu batean. Ordutik, egun hori Arrazakeriaren eta Xenofobiaren Nazioarteko eguna ospatzen da, aldarrikapenez beteta. SOS Arrazakeriak urtero gai ezberdin bat lantzeko... [+]
Elkarretaratzea egin dute Iruñean asteazkenean SOS Arrazakeria taldeak eta LAB sindikatuak salatzeko zapia buruan erabiltzen duten zenbait emakumeri "mehatxuak" eta "irainak" eragin dizkietela euren lanpostutan. "Ohikoa" den diskriminazioa... [+]
The Immigration Act, voted on December 19 by Marine Le Pen of the far-right RN, has been qualified as "ideological victory". A text of that range in dreams did, but it didn't really represent it. Le Pen himself says: "I didn't expect text from that range." In fact, Emmanuel Macron has... [+]