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Prefecture orders to withdraw the Palestinian flag of Maule City Hall

  • The flag was placed last year when the capital of Zuberoa was twinned with the Balata refugee camp in the West Bank.
Palestinako banderak Mauleko herriko etxean // Argazkia: Xiberoko Botza

12 October 2023 - 10:41

The mayor of Maule, Louis Labadot, explained that he appeared on Tuesday at Maule City Hall (Zuberoa) Marion Aoustin-Roth, prefect of Oloro, to order the withdrawal of the suspended Palestinian flag.

Since last year the village house has been hanging the flags in favour of Palestine, that is, since the capital of Zuberoa has been twinned with the Balata refugee camp in the West Bank. On Tuesday the prefetura announced by note that the flags of other countries could be placed as signs of solidarity, but as long as these symbols are compatible with the “French foreign policy”.

Labadot says that the State has made the same request to all municipalities that show this symbol, and has complied with the prefect for “unrest”. However, in statements to the daily newspaper Sud Ouest made it clear that the withdrawal of the symbol has generated “pain” and stressed that “when the time comes” will restore it.

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