José Blanco, former Minister of Development of the Spanish Government with the PSOE, announced on Tuesday the signing of former Basque pp leader Alfonso Alonso as the new president of the Acento consultancy. Blanco and former PSOE deputy Antonio Hernando created the entity at the end of last year, when it was launched.
In an interview with Onda Cero, Blanco has stated that Alonso is "a very balanced person", with a "good analyzer, moderate and capable of forming a very complete team". He has been pleased with him, and believes he has made "a courageous decision." In addition, the former PSOE leader has assured that Alonso did not want to announce his proclamation until after last Sunday’s election, when pp failed to move to five of the nine seats he got with Alonso in the 2016 candidacy.
Ex-members of the CAV pp to companies
Alonso left the Basque People’s Party in February, when his leader, Pablo Casado, decided to dismiss the former mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz to become a candidate for lehendakari. He is not the only representative of the CAV who has left the right party: Borja Sémper also left the PP in January and announced that he would move to the multinational Ernst & Young. According to some, in both cases the discrepancies with the party’s leadership in Madrid were evident.
The move did not go well to Casado, as the PP+Cs coalition, headed by Iturgaiz, lost four of the nine seats he got in 2016 in the Sunday elections. When they stood alone, Alonso was the candidate.
Married: "Spanish society is doing something wrong"
Without making a little self-criticism, Casado regretted on Monday the results of the Basque and Basque autonomous elections. "There are figures that have not been heard today. The Basque Parliament will have three quarters of the Basque 'batasunas' that demand prison benefits, turn the page or do not condemn 800 murders," he said.
"Bildu has more parliamentarians and parliamentarians than all national representation forces as a whole and more political formations." Bildu has more Members than PSOE, pp, Podemos, Citizens and Vox. Spanish society is doing something wrong and, of course, something does not have to start doing the ones we are in this act, because if not, it would be better to be in something else," he added.
Bilboko Portuko Agintaritzak Rikardo Barkala (Portugalete, 1955) izendatu du erakunde horretako presidente izateko. Kargua hartzerakoan nabarmendu dute pertsona “egokia” dela Bilboko portuan agintzeko, merkataritza itsasontzi kapitain ibili izan zelako.