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Two "great power" festivals to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Psilocybenea de Hondarribia

  • To celebrate the 30th anniversary, the association has organized two festivals for the months of July and August. Electronic music and rock from all over the world.

14 July 2023 - 10:44
Elkartekoekin batera izan ziren asteazkenean Igor Enparan alkatea, Ortzi Alonso zinegotzia eta Estitxu Urtizbera zinegotzia.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first concert of the Psilocybenea room. This circle of anniversaries will be held properly, as when 25 candles were shut down. At Wednesday’s hearing, the members of the association announced that this year’s will be ‘simpler’, but they decided to celebrate it ‘by all means high’, as they organised ‘two powerful parties’ this summer.

The first date will be Saturday 22 July and the second on 25 and 26 August (Friday and Saturday). Egoitz Alcaraz, a member of Psilocybenea, says July will be a date to start heating engines. “Electronic music predominates in it. In the August festival, as far as style is concerned, it will be mostly rock. The partnership itself has spread in recent years to other styles and we have decided to fill that gap.” So there will be 12 hours of party in the park of San Marcos, musutruk. Mr Chubachuba, Gorks & Nafo, Mauli, Alffte, Costas, Red Moon and Lola Mento DJ will dance attendees.

The main festival will be held on 25 and 26 August. August will have two scenarios to which teams from all over the world will climb. “We wanted to bring groups from outside, for example, Los Angeles. But we did not want to put the groups out of here. In the end, the foundation of the festival and the partnership has always been local groups, because without the local group there is no partnership,” adds Nestor Uranga. Sasquatch, Joseba B Lenoir, Tzar, Txavvö, Imago 4, Bala, The Affected, Lif, Naica, Horzdun and Midnight Sinners will play in August. The festival will be held in the sports car park and anticipate that the Saturday will be rounded with a popular meal.

Mayor Igor Enparan also attended the presentation of the festival and highlighted three values of Psilocybenea: creation, commitment and self-management. ‘You are an example, because you have shown that public resources can work in relation to citizens. We want to join us in the coming years’.

The opening hours of the two festivals will be announced soon. HITZA will inform you as soon as you receive your information.

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